outta the game...4 now.

well, im outta the car game for now. sold the eclipse. needed a clutch all summer and has been in pieces. kid from work was interested and finally decided to buy. he bought a new clutch for the car and as soon as i get it in…its gone.
gonna pay off some bill and get ready for the move to arizona. kinda sorry to see to go…but is for the best. besided once i get out west im getting into a 350z or an s2000.

that sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do. im in the same boat i finally decided building a house > playing with cars so the bike is gone and the cobra is on the way out. good luck out in arizona :tup:

Wanna s2000?

haha. we r all smrt.



Its for the best Duff man.

You still got the Fuckus though!

i am going to miss that car

i will too, in a way