owhs noes

you dont see this everyday;

nissan towing a nissan :kekegay:

later on, it’ll be just me and the skyline… :cuddle:

Is that the Butler kid’s Skyline who’s been trying to sell it for quite some time now?

yah did that kid in butler finally sell that thing?

no, he still owns it and i believe casually trys to sell it. …just getting some work done at jtech now.

That pretty cool, wasn’t aware there were any skylines in the area.

Please tell me he is getting the "welded diff " replaced.


I beleive he wants like 22g’s for it

Nice looking Skyline.

the forsale in the back window says 20g’s.

I talk to him faily occationally and he never said much about the welded diff… its cool for stuff ‘other’ than daily driving :tounge: