Very cool. :tup:
good idea, just be careful though, toe arms are usually straight and aftermarket ones have a >1" range of adjustment, there is no reason why the suspensions have to be the same for it to work, they are obviously similar though
yeah those pix show it to be identical looking at least. wow. nice find.
i knew they had to share parts bins. but that is cool.
im gonna tell everyone!!! j/k
not sure if someone said this already… but rent a Mazda3…
do a full re&re… who cares… it’s a rental.
I’ll update with my findings:
So: best case scenario/easiest scenario:
You have an SVT focus, or SVT focus brake kit installed on your non-SVT, You only need wheel bearings from any mazda3, and you need rotors from a mazdaspeed3. these parts total around $400-550 depending on parts store chain.
Next Best Scenario:
You have a 2005+ focus. Lucky you, the knuckles up front are the same as the SVT, and you can use base model mazda3 wheel bearings and rotors. The rear you will need knuckles from an SVT focus or a mazda 3 in addition to the rear wheel bearings and rotors for a mazda3, with the calipers as well.This is roughly $700-800 depending on parts chain for brand new parts.
My scenario, LOL:
You have a 2000-2004 ford focus. You are SOL, you need EVERYTHING
you need, knuckles from either an SVT/'05+ focus/mazda3 up front, and you need rear knuckles/calipers/rotors/wheel bearings from any of these as well. This is roughly $1200 in parts brand new. FUCK
so, It seems this is far out of the question to market as a kit, because who the hell is going to spend $1500 to upgrade to 5bolt on their focus?
My best bet, or anyone with an 00-04 for that matter, Is to watch Ebay for a mazda3 being parted out, or keep eyes peeled at the junkyards to source all the necessary parts a little at a time until you have everything you need for a reasonable amount of money.
Dreid: If you want me to help you source what you need, let me know and I’ll help you put a kit together.
lol how crazy is that