
I saw that too and almost laughed myself to death.


The day you become an English teacher, hell comes to Buffalo, NY in the winter…

I know you were joking, I appologize for being a dick, I was just really pissed off. yeah I cant really remember that paerty too well…As all of you who were they probably remember…I as far beyand retarded drunk there lol. No hard feelings…Im back to my happy go lucky self again.

Oh…and Rubicant, my grammer is getting much better as if you haven’t noticed…I still do not care in the least, but I got sick of hearing the bitching about it lol.

it did get better, but it isn’t you…

what you mean not me it isnt?

i mean you’re trying too hard.

stick with what works

I just got sick of people’s constant bitching and pissing themselves. So I started to actually spell shit semi right as opposed to just applying the ol’school phonics lol.

in other words, you’re looking at the keyboard now?

yeah pretty much.

fukc that