PA Drivers are being attacked by this wrongful law

They could do this, even if the law don’t go thru. Fayette nam has alot of “offensive” vehicles on the road.

SAN (Sema Action Network) needs to get involved

There is no way they could really enforce this law, without infringing on our constitutional rights. That is illegal.

most retarded thing ive ever heard of.

well I just moved back here from WA state with a vehicle I purchased with a salvage title. I had to have the enhanced vehicle inspection done. It cost me $75 plus tax here in Johnstown. It was basically a standard inspection. They check all the gauges and lights and all the little things when you have a rebuilt vehicle. I passed with no problems. Since I was an out-of-state transfer I had to wait for my title and license plate come in the mail. Took about 2 weeks. Everything is here and now I’m sportin my 240sx with my fresh pittspeed license plate holder. I dont think the inspection is as bad as everyone thinks it is. And should only apply to rebuild/hotrod vehicles. Should have nothing to “clean” title vehicles.

Also they didn’t take a list of mods that I had on my car. They cannot monitor what you put on or take off your car. Try and understand things you complain about before you complain about them.

same thing i was thinking…PA<*

If this turns into the Enhanced Vehicle Inspection Law (E.V.I.L) then I am moving to ohio with everyone else.

From what i heard this has allready happen.but im assumeing the police dont plan on pulling someone over for the hell of it.I mean theres a few loud cobras in my area and i havent seen them get harrassed by this thinking what would happen is if u get pulled over for like racing or speeding or something then they would nail you with the fines and and make u get it inspected.from what im told the thought of this came about because PA state inspection has become less intense.for example before u could fail an inspection if all ur doors couldnt open and close or if u were missing any ur doors just have to close and all u technically need is a windshield.through the years its become watered down and i guess penndot wants to make the inspection more strict like it used to be.

I spoke to a representative of SAN (Sema Action Network) on Saturday, while on the Power Tour. They said they are aware of the law & are doing what they can to put some sort of stop to it. I joined SAN & I think everyone on this forum should join (it’s free) to help fight these types of laws.

I don’t see anything on their site about this legislation, but hopefully they are responding to it.

Fags, a lot of states don’t even have it. They need to go fix the roads first, then we wouldn’t need to fix shit on our cars constantly. Government manages to totally screw up priorities.


Haha. That sounds familiar. I have a bent wheel on my Stealth right now! The stock wheels are bent too!

F’in Pittsburgh roads.

This just in… Everything on the internet is true

never ever, won’t happen.