Page cannot be displayed errors

Its odd, this site has been really slow and I get the occasional page cannot be displayed errors, when every other site is flying at normal speed.

Any reason?

Also on another forum I’m on the staff has the ability to remove certain forums from members, so if you dont want to see them you dont have too.

Is this possible with the software here? I could really deal without NWS and offtopic until april, I’m just going to get myself in trouble.

I just saw one of those 10 minutes ago. Thought it was my network but perhaps it’s the server…

I also had like 5 of them in a row about 10 minutes ago or so its been the last 4 days or so for me.

Yeah I bumped into it a few minutes ago. There is nothing that we can do at the present. We are yet again moving to a better host (this time we are not playing around!!) and we will be moving to a new version of software among a very long list of things that we are working on. The software and host will be a 2 day switch and will happen in one quick shot to eliminate down time. Preparing for this is taking me way longer than expected, but now that the holidays are over I should be able to pick up steam on this. There are other changes that will occur that day, but they are not in stone yet so I am not going down that road.

I believe that the new software will allow you to slide forums in and out like tabs, but I am not sure of that. I saw it on a beta site that I was working with, but it may be something custom.

can we get a warning messag, like “read this thread first”

what does april have to do with porn and ot?

The idiots go back to thier summer jobs, and the garbage threads die down in the summer time

There will be an announcement made prior to this happening. It will start on a friday at say 11pm and be backup by sunday morning. Or so I assume that is how it will go… Still lots more to do to get to that point though.