paint scheme for my coupe

just wondering what you guys think, couldent totally chop it to get the right black but u get the idea

-also, i dont have the silvia front end, but using a car with the color i wanted was easier

no… just, no.

oh, thats awful…

just not liking the black or hating on the green??

i like it

minus the black!!

I like it, but in order to make it look good i think you gotta do up the 2 tone pinstriping scheme…Chip Foose design stylz…I have an idea for my car already…

other ideas and the original

anything’s better than how it is now LOL. looks like a giant olive. i’d rather eat your car than race it… or maybe not.

last pic


The overall idea is cool, kinda camo colours, but it wasn’t quite working for me… maybe if you made the top half (ie. down to just below the door handles) black, and the bottom half green it could work. I dunno, try that.

So far, I’ve liked the straight green the best, which I actually do like.

First pic of the three you posted together, with all the top black and all the bottom green :thumright:

try 2 tone black where the headlights corner is lateral to that

Yeah, follow the pinstripe down the side of the car, from the top of the headlights to the back, its nice and even and will gicve u thathalf and half look without being awkward.

I did the mirrors too because… well because it just looks better.

that’s a lot better. :slight_smile:

Do that and then tint the windows 25 all round and it will look sweet.

Yes I know 25 is 10 lower than legal… but you have a sunroof so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

I have 25 all round on my car and I’ve never been hassled.

just make your car look exactly like everyone else’s car on this board, then it’ll be PHAT y0!!!

do what you want, looks ok to me.

The 240 is slowly becoming like the Civic, in that no matter what you do… it’s been done before. :cry:

So it doesn’t really matter WHAT he does.

I’m not saying that’s how he should do his car, I was just chopping cuz I was bored.