painted my seats with rustolum and paint roller.

Come over sometime, I am sure John will let you try them out. It’s not too hard to believe that a seat with 3" of foam on the bottom that is contoured to your legs, and has bolster that holds you in is comfortable.

I can vouch for kirkey racing seats being more than comfy. I love mine and plan to have a matched pair in another project I’m working on. I’m sure I would enjoy the drag race version more than the circle track version (read as different bolsters, right sides bigger)

Loved mine in all my race cars tho, the padding is more than enough.

Pictures don’t justify the 3 inches of padding then. lol

yeah, I forgot about that. Your not a small guy, did you have a jacket or anything I forgot. But I could have gotten a 16inch wide, but got both 17s and lately wearing 2-3 long sleeves, or my carhart its snug in them now. That was a lot of driving for a 3 day weekend, good times.

bill, I have them set high and tipped back a bit. I moved them around for a while, but love were they are now. Just moving them one hole in one spot I hated the feel. lol You can lower them a bunch in you want, but I didn’t like sitting low in the car. Your like a maroboyz with the top of the door at your shoulder looking like your 15 driving them car. I don’t know if you have every sean Tthat dude telling you to mount them on the floor. JL is like 6-6 he’s a big dude. He mounted his right ON the floor, The stock rear seat studs, threw a hole in the seat with nut on them, lol.

I got some more pics of the seat breakets and mounting on on my build thread on tech, sites been slow I’ll get the link later

ya thats the racecraket brakets, this week I cut them down a little to make them look more clean. And saved .0036463 .oz. Im not going to ever use all the holes they have. this may not be the way I ended up running them but around there +/- a hole.

I’d like do see how they look in the car, now painted. But I want to paint to harden up more 1st. I haven’t been around lately and keeping the house cool in the 60s, I might put some 40K watt floodlights I have on them to put some heat in them quick now. I have the weights off the stocks seats and belts and everything I’ll put up later, but run the harness and pull the stock seat belts. Its safer, I remembered my RJS camlocks were 1.78#s or something under 2. Each lighter then the stock seat belts. I think everything was just under 34# lighter then the stock stuff.

shit I had a list of all this, on tech

I found this

Thanks for the info. I’ll prob end up running them. Don’t think I have much choice

post 157 I have the weight diffrences. That was with the stock cloth seats, power driver/man pass.


Ok so quick looks My stock seats were.

The final kirkey sets are 17.545 so thats lighter per side
Driver- 21.605

33.91#'s saving in the seats, And a LOT safer with the rollbar, and harnesses then using them with a stock seat.

And the harnesses are 1.76#'s lighter then that stock belts.[/QUOTE]