
JClark: What the f0k? :ohnoes

? What are you :wtf-ing about?

Republican VP nominee’s son is entering the military and the Democrats are still going to find something about it to bitch about.

That dumb bitch thinks Iraq and 9/11 are connected:

According to the Washington Post, Palin told a brigade of soldiers (that included her son, Track) that they were headed to Iraq to "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans

You and the liberal media are reading too much into that statement. If you wanted to really start muckraking, you could say she’s making a generalization towards all towelheads.

Al Queda has been operating in Iraq.

i like her and shes hot. that is all.

Oh please.

Care to defend your side of the story?

Of course not. Logic, reason, and rational arguments arent really staples of the Democratic party. :nana

What side do I need? You really need me to tell you that we didn’t go into Iraq because of Al Queda?

Did the Republican party use Logic, reason, and rational arguments to run the country into the ground over the last 8 years?

I did not say anything about why we went into Iraq 5 years ago. I dont think Palin is either.

Fact is that Al Queda is in Iraq now and we are fighting them.

so therefore Palin’s comments were 100% accurate. no?

Ah generic blanket propaganda targeting the unread in order to gain emotional votes.

They are accurate. It doesnt matter. It’s an excuse for the left wingers to go crazy trying to discredit a nominee over the war they had nothing to do with.


She associated Al Queda with Iraq insinuating that we are over the for that purpose which is false.

I’m amused by the statements that the Republican party made about Russian invasion of Georgia, when the party was saying how it is “ridiculous in this day and age for one country to just invade another, without proper approval”

Hippocratic at it’s best.

:+1 :deadhorse

The scary thing is how easily people in power can just do what they want.

I also plan to do some Palin bashing as I grow tired of joking on McCain.

Anyhow, she “is ready”: Bloomberg - Are you a robot? :lol


Too easy. “Our economy is strong” :