Palm stock downgraded to "sell"

We imagine that entertainer-turned-investor Bono has enough cash banked so that Palm could croak tomorrow with little ill effect on his lifestyle, but still, it’s gotta sting. UBS has now slapped Palm stock with a rather yucky “sell” rating, acknowledging that new products are on track for August and November but citing concerns over an “increasingly competitive landscape” from the likes of Apple with the 3G iPhone and RIM with the BlackBerry Bold, all combined with the knowledge that its Linux-based wares won’t be hitting until next year. Could the schedule be tightened up at all if they were to adopt Android, and if so, would it be the right move?

and the image that made me lol…

I haven’t even seen a palm unit in at least a year.

really no treo’s?


In stores & ad’s, sure.

In someones hand? nope, not that I can recall.


The new Palm Centro is pretty nice, Really tiny but nice

i heart my 755

I love my centro, everything I need in a small package.

i see a ton here, and we still move a boatload.

The UB Nursing school started a new required program for students and some staff to buy a Tungsten E2 and special software bundle.
So 50 of them just went over there.

The software they use is Palm and PocketPC compatible, so possibly I can see if they will go to PocketPC platform instead :slight_smile:

I haven’t been a fan of Palmsince I had a Handspring back in the day.

they are big in the real estate market too…

yea becuase of the IR ports that allow them to unlock houses

Palm sucks. Their Pilots were the shit back in the day but their Treo line has failed to improve. The latest 755 is the same exact guts of the 700, which was the same exact guts of the 650. The centro isn’t anything to get excited about it. It’s smaller but it still has the same Palm OS version afaik. If you have any stock in Palm sell it now, along with Motorola. These two companies are doomed because they refuse to adapt.

The only people who get Treos are real estate agents, but that was before when you could use Lockbox to unlock a house and show it to people, but that isn’t really as widely used anymore from what some customers have told me. And I guess people in the medical field like them for the Apocrates program. But other than those 2 programs, there is really no reason to get a Treo anymore. The bluetooth profile on the Treos is also atrocious. It even makes the Jawbone sound like crap, thats if you can get it to pair to it. Even the software flashes fail to fix the bluetooth issues that have been around for a while.

I try my hardest not to sell these things unless the person coming in is some die hard Treo fanatic or their place of employment requries them to get it, then I let them live in their world of inferior PDA devices. These have the second highest return rate in Sales for my company (next to the Motorola Q) because Palm has failed to correct the freezing and resetting issues that occur way too often.

(Sorry for the rant, but I passionately hate that company. Everyday at I work spend quite a bit of time explaining to the consumer that their products are not quality anymore. It gets old.)

dumb people is a major reason why i left

lol I can’t wait to pick up my 755p because my 650 has broke 3 times already and I refuse to accept another one. Atleast verizon extended warranty is good for somthing I need to pick up the phone hopefully today.

i wouldnt expect anything amazing out of that palm.

I know a ton of people who love their treo’s. Although I don’t really understand why. The only thing I like about em is that the xxxP has a 320x320 screen.

Not really expecting too much out of the phone it has some better features but still the same old phone. I can’t really complain I like the new style case and being smaller is overall size.

good info in this thread

rage’s rant has lots :tup:

I like my 700P, but I have to admit the Blackberry Curve is calling me

i like my 755p. it does well by me.