parking rates for bills games

for all u tailgaters

the rates went up from $15-$25 this year wtf

Prices vary per vehicle and lot:
Passenger Vehicles:

  • $20.00 (Pre-paid premium lots - A, D, and E) - Permit Required
  • $25.00 (Cash lots - 1, 2, 3, 5, and F)
    Handicap Passenger Vehicles - $25.00 (Lot B)
    Campers (Camper Lot):
  • Game Day entry - $50.00
  • Early entry - $40.00
    Limousines $ 60.00 (Lot C, east off Abbott Rd.)
    Buses $60.00 (Bus Lot west off Abbott Rd.)
    *Note that prices listed are for single spaces.

this will def help poor attendance


this will def help poor attendance


no wai! Rebuilding year dude-bro! SELLOUTS ALL SEASON

What a fucking rape-fest. I hope the team goes under.

im about to pay $8 and walk the half mile to the staudium now. 25 eff. that.

$25 for a parking space, where your car is going to get hit with dumbasses throwing footballs.

I’ll pass.

edit: nevermind found it!!!

note: my car has never been hit by footballs… just where we park is safe from that for the most part… however i did dent a brand new caddy last year trying to punt a ball guy was pissed lot attendent told he guy it was park at own risk… … dumb old guys


please post something that makes you look good one of these days

surprise us



please post something that makes you look good one of these days

surprise us





note: my car has never been hit by footballs… just where we park is safe from that for the most part… however i did dent a brand new caddy last year trying to punt a ball guy was pissed lot attendent told he guy it was park at own risk… … dumb old guys


why would u post such a thing. if u hit my caddie id probably punt you. and then dent your car.

what a joke. i cant wait till Wilson dies and his kids sell the team and they are gone.

Ahhh I love being an employee… free parking is one of the many perks.

And for those who are noobs to the parking scene… take the last road on the right (if coming from 20A) before the stadium and go to the house all the way to the end on the left. They charge $10, have a walkway through the fence and is closer then almost all of the bills lots.


why would u post such a thing. if u hit my car, no matter how shitty it may be, id probably punt you. and then dent your car.



buffalo has a football team?


buffalo has a football team?


arena football


what a joke. i cant wait till Wilson dies and his kids sell the team and they are gone.


O yeah, that will be great for the city.

The bills are the only thing we have putting us on anyones map. With the killer moves the sabres are making, they are also our only hope. So as long as we have the lowest ticket prices in the league, $ is going to come from somewhere, as weaksauce as a $25 parking space is. Imagine being a redskins fan and paying double the ticket price we do just to watch dan snyder play ‘franchise mode’. The bigger problem is NFL-wide, players dont deserve 60% of all the $ the league makes.