part numbers?

We should get like a part number list going here, it would be quite helpful for the SR20 guys. Anyways, does anyone have the part number for a OEM oil pump/front cover assembly or is it the same as the B14 sentra SR20DE? Also are the oil jets the same as the SR20DE engine too? S13/S14 BLACKTOP oil pickup part number too please. These parts are for a S13 Redtop SR20DET.

i believe the front cover is defferent than a FWD SR.

Front cover assembly is 13500-50F00
Oil pickup= The strainer or the whole thing

Strainer is 15050-52F01

Can’t find the rest, but there is a huge cross ref on under the SR FAQ go there for anything sr20 or ca18, RB aswell

Right on! Thanks guys :drinkers: