I’d say your taking it a tad too far by reporting it and being this mad…i think its funny that the guy would do that, as dirty as it is…i say just sit back and watch the auction and see how the guy makes out with it :nod
I got a good one for ya’s… How about the title lol? Wonder if he’s gonna sell it with a bogus one cuz wasnt the title messed up… Wow People are crazy…
Wow thats really fucked up! The title even has “needs new title” writting right on it in red pen. What an asshole, hope it fucks him over!
i worte a message to this fag on eBay:
Whos leg are you trying to pull?, iam the owner of this car before eric, the person u just bought it from just the other day, your lying about everything, the car is completly stock, top and bottom. and its a bent valve thats the sound. Get your facts staright before you con someone. It also has a crack in the right rear subframe as u can see in the wheel well. If you dont believe me, the title you have is issused to Brian Wilder.
So i got a responce back from the queer:
Dear driftinturbo240,
Thank you for your input. It’s my car now and I will choose to do what ever I please. Have a great day tool. I never said any other such thing you mentioned. BYE
I WISH i see this asshole.
EDIT: he changed the discription, to accomodate to what i told him. what an asshole.
Live and learn, people make money on your money :idiots
Some people make it by any means possible, that there was a quick easy buck.
Very true, the guy was still an ass for doing it. But he did buy it for what I asked.
To bad he never metioned anything about the title in the ad. I am sure he didn’t do anything with it.
i lost 160 on the car, you both made out better then i did… o well
I lost $20 and a tow rental :sad
r u serious’? thought u sold for 300…guess not. but what did udo with the lip and the radio?
still parting out?
ha ha no this car is long gone.
and if you need anything 240, tell your friend and your friends friends to come get some stuff.
i have a complete interior from a 91 coupe, couple things off this 89 (that was mine) parts off 2 '90 hatchs and parts off my hatch.
my basement and girlfriend barn has been stockpiled incase of nuclear invasion by the russains.
and btw, i found the new onwer of the car. and well he found a ca18det, and well in june the car fell madly inlove with a tree. end of story
Nice to hear ;D