240sx parts car black Hatchback
Rebuilt engine, auto tranny.
Runs GREAT, was driven only sat three weeks.
Interior carpet has been removed same with reat seats and front seats, can be reinstalled.
Only reason why I decided to make it a parts car because of shock tower rust.
$800 FIRM
Wow good project… bump for parts cars! 
tan only have drivers / passenger seats, carpet was gross.
I want to sell this car as a whole cant part out.
willing to part out? need the alternator and rear signals. Long as they aren;t cracked and the alt is in good cond. EDIT: Also the hatch if its spoilerless.
Darn. I’m looking for a front-right fender with no rust (unlikely I know but :p). Black would be amazing and save me the pain in the ass of paint and having to drive around with a mismatched car. :lol: