Working on / going to be working on…
List things, that your currently working on with a (*) asterisk
example: *Roll Cage, *etc.
List things, that your going to be working on regularly.
example: Wiring, etc.
This should keep us somewhat organized.
That and it should help us get out to companys with the parts we need to see if we can get some freebies. Not only that, but if you see someone working on a item, and think you could provide some help shot him a pm. After being posted and confirmed by all, Ill make a kinda live checklist online.
Maybe add a timeframe to the list too. Make corrections/additions as needed.
Car at Domination:
Cradle removed by May 21.
Cradle shipped to Hinson May 22.
Cradle back from Hinson June 2? (3 days to get there, 3 working days to complete, 3 days shipped back).
Chassis/cage completed June 5.
Have mockup or actual engine/tranny ready for May 30 ( in case cradle back early).
Engine mockup start June 3 (or whenever cradle is back).
Rolling chassis done ???
Car at 1st Try (June 9???):
Body work
Engine/tranny install
Car “complete” July 10
Is the idea to have a complete rolling chassis come out of Domination or will some stuff be done out at 1st try? Or just see how schedule goes?
Not trying to be a pain about schedule, but you know how projects go. Always have to add a good bit to the estimate for the “real” time it’ll take.
We’ll get it cliped with rear rails put in at my shop. As soon as we can get it back on the ground we’ll get it to 1st try. There will be a bunch of other chassis related things that we can finish up there.