Party at the new 518 Motorsports?

1436 WESTERN AVE Albany.

lol drove past there today on my way somewhere , didnt stop just a drive by. lol i drove past and was like :wtf didnt know he opened another spot

yep, he moved to western.


Nice glad to hear the spot worked out for him

yea its better then his other spots out in the middle of no where haha i hated driving down there

yea, he finally is where he has wanted to be for a while. i gotta stop by one of these days.

who are we talking about and what is 518 Motorsports??

nice, saw mimo at the track he didn’t say anything about it.

:lol dunno wether to take you serious or not. your not a newb

It’s right next to Germano’s, Who is a mechanic and family friend

Went there tonight, hung out with Mimmo for a little bit. Looks to be a great place once he’s settled in!

why should he know what 518 motorsports is?

only reason I know is that I drove by it once when it was on central.

drove by it on my way to job #2 around 4:20ish yesterday and saw kramerbucks (ya, I know i spelled it wrong, dont care enough to look it up) altima parked out front.

i dunno i thought it was a given. he moved in not that long after apg left. maybe a year? w.e :nana

I heard about this place back when he was on Central but never got to actually see it.

What exactly does he have inside? Didn’t the Central place have a Dyno?

Anymore details? I might be goin to Crossgates tonight to have a guy at Best Buy test my AVIC-Z2 (I think my sub pre-outs are dead) so I might shoot by and check it out.

nope. They sell parts and do installs

Parts for? Certain makes/models or the universal stuff you find at Auto Zone (exhaust tips, etc. lol).

anything… it’s a performance shop. They don’t stock many parts, but will order whatever the hell you want.

I’m just assuming since i have never done business with them, but this is how 99.7% of performance shops work.

yup, that was me. what car were you in?

it’s a pretty sweet little shop, no lift in it yet though. 2 bays and a nice little waiting room/office area attached to it. he seems to be happy there.

black dakota… holla!!!

Gotcha. Thanks. I’ve never personally been to a speed shop. I’ll have to stop in and check it out.

As for the dyno…so the closest one to us it that one in Amsterdam?