Past 2 nights...


I can get to Lancaster for sure next Friday, August 21st. Possibly this Friday, but it ain’t looking too good right now. NYIRP is out of the question, too far since I get out of work around 6-630. Bring all the “JnJ” cars. You too Sherm.


Again why are you dragging me into this little BS. Okay I am OFF to get someone’s cat pregnant


I can get to Lancaster for sure next Friday, August 21st. Possibly this Friday, but it ain’t looking too good right now. NYIRP is out of the question, too far since I get out of work around 6-630. Bring all the “JnJ” cars. You too Sherm.


hahaha this will never happen


Okay I am OFF to get someone’s cat pregnant


:funny:with your track record… that might be possible


:funny:with your track record… that might be possible


yeah then I am going to rob some children & an old lady for good measure


yeah then I am going to rob some children & an old lady for good measure


its funny cause its true!


well ive said it in every other thread an ill say it here “WHO WANT’S TO RACE ME?!?!?!”

Turbo stepped up like a champ…

ive had no problems w/ anyone in badass / pmp, any of you guy’s interested?


Enough! Not to be a dick but, It’s a bike. You beating one of us on an R1 is really not that impressive, anyone can do that. Put something together with four wheels that can hang… that would impress me.

^^ Agreed.

Its not as impressive to win races when you only weigh about 15% of the thing you are racing

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:63,topic:33897"”]

Bill, you’re so bad at this. Your not fast, sorry. In fact, I had to remind you what was fast, so that everything with an engine can stop being called fast. But if you want to talk about our own cars, which arent fast, I beat you the last time we ran, and my NA times beat your boosted times this year. So go find another boost leak, it must be seaping into your passenger compartment.


you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.

liveround, you say turbo steped up in your thread but i recall being the first to run you.


I can get to Lancaster for sure next Friday, August 24th. Possibly this Friday, but it ain’t looking too good right now. NYIRP is out of the question, too far since I get out of work around 6-630. Bring all the “JnJ” cars. You too Sherm.


can i come?


Enough! Not to be a dick but, It’s a bike. You beating one of us on an R1 is really not that impressive, anyone can do that. Put something together with four wheels that can hang… that would impress me.


:word: I was just thinking the same thing reading through all this. No one cares about bikes, woo look at me i bought a new 1000 that traps close to 140 stock and put a pipe and programmer on it. Bikes are fun but in an arena all their own. I own one, will probably run some of the guys one of these nights, but even if i win a good race or two i wont give a shit cause its still just a factory piece. :redface:


can i come?


kill you


you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.

liveround, you say turbo steped up in your thread but i recall being the first to run you.



okay okay… mark, all bullshit aside… do you still start your car with a screwdriver?

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:131,topic:33897"”]

kill you


thats not nice


you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.

liveround, you say turbo steped up in your thread but i recall being the first to run you.


sorry… forgot… im not gonna lie you’d probly whip my ass with some traction


:word: I was just thinking the same thing reading through all this. No one cares about bikes, woo look at me i bought a new 1000 that traps close to 140 stock and put a pipe and programmer on it. Bikes are fun but in an arena all their own. I own one, will probably run some of the guys one of these nights, but even if i win a good race or two i wont give a shit cause its still just a factory piece. :redface:


i know… its just for fun… lazie an chuck were pretty close. i just think its fun… So yeah i went a lil over on the call outs… like i said in the begining… i kinda hoped to get beat :shrug: I’m pretty sure Prior will toast me… but he wont race for free. As far as building a fast car… maybe next year. fast cars suck… they are always broken or have some weak link… :gay:


you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.

liveround, you say turbo steped up in your thread but i recall being the first to run you.


come on now he’s looking for another IROC…going for 4 out of 4

So NYSpeed how do you really feel?



you are not FAST, you will never be fast. shut the fuck up ,sit the fuck down and maybe one day when you have a fast or better yet a running car you can come out and run. i would call you out but im not sure which of the none running cars you own to call out. i would love for you to come run any of us, hell you got a little bit of everything in the group, GM, Ford, Import. im sure turbols1, firehawk, muscle50, bladez, way2slow, would love to show you what fast cars look like, because we all know you dont own one.

liveround, you say turbo steped up in your thread but i recall being the first to run you.


WOW that was harsh! This coming from someone who doesn’t like Mark one bit. I guess the tune is changing around here :smash2:

Can I be fast? :gotme: