Pastrana at it again!

just a cool video I thought. enjoy.


PS…i know I spelled pastrana wrong…could an admin fix the thread title plz

you can fix it yourself u newb!

hit edit…wouldnt let me edit the title.

NM i hit advanced and found it…my b. enjoy

Sickkkk. Looks like so much fun.


Dude is a fuckin’ animal.

I did it in 5:00 flat in a street car without a co-driver.

Dude’s bitch.

I did it in about 4 hours but I didn’t use a car or take the auto road and I had 40lbs of gear on my back.
But anywho awesome vid and that road is scary even just driving up at safe speeds.


Travis Pastrana is the fucking man! I’ll never forget that show he did on mtv when this guy fucking jumped out of a plane with no parachute on and just waited for someone to grab him. I shit my pants when I saw that lol.

Seeriously, I mean watch this video, I dont give a fuck if there were 20 dudes WITH parachutes, you gotta be a sick motherfucker to do some shit like this -

Jiggy jiggs. LOL is that an official rally term?

go watch the DVD’s they put out. it will blow your mind even more.

watch “199 lives”. you will respect the kid and his family even more. VERY good people they are.

yeah Pastrana just doesnt have the same reaction to fear that everyone else has…matter of fact…I duno if he even knows what that emotion is.

x2 …Like… Who would even attempt this? There is like 2% probability of making that lol.

Just about to post this vid…shit is crazy.
Ive driven up that road in my STi, but it took me about 45 minutes lol.

2% chance is accomplished…

Pastrana>Block all day

lol, the other set up looked alot worse and harder to accomplish, but nice job regaurdless