Pastrana Attempts Rally Car Jump Record at Midnight

UPDATE: Here is the video -

Anyone gonna watch this? It’s on ESPN now.

December 31, 2009, 10:27 am
Pastrana Attempts Rally Car Jump Record

Travis Pastrana testing at Lake Elsinore, Calif., for his New Year’s Eve jump.Garth Milan/Red Bull Photofiles Travis Pastrana testing at Lake Elsinore, Calif., for his New Year’s Eve jump.

On New Year’s Eve, Travis Pastrana will “test the laws of physics” and get airborne in a Subaru Impreza STI for Red Bull’s annual New Year’s event, “Red Bull: New Year. No Limits.” The goal is to break the 171-foot world record for the longest distance jump in a rally car.

Mr. Pastrana, a four-time champion in the Rally America series, expects to take off from a ramp on the Pine Street Pier in Long Beach, Calif., and travel 40 to 50 feet above the water, landing on a floating barge in Rainbow Harbor. If he falls short, according to a Red Bull spokesman, Jordan Miller, waterborne rescue crews will be standing by.
Mr. Pastrana is a four-time champion in the Rally America series.Garth Milan/Red Bull Photofiles Mr. Pastrana is a four-time champion in the Rally America series.

Mr. Pastrana, 26, said in a phone interview that the approximately 250-foot jump turned out to be “a lot bigger than it looked when I drew it up on a napkin.” His motivation, he said, is topping previous “No Limits” stunts (the event is in its third year). Mr. Pastrana said he also considered jumping into a stadium and hopping over a freeway. He crashed one of the rally cars during testing, but he remains upbeat. “The car disintegrated, but I’m doing O.K.,” he said.

Mr. Pastrana, a former motocross and supercross phenom, said his passion remains racing. And he asserted that the jump, which will put a fleet of Subarus through extreme testing, “is helping progress rallying as a sport.” The jump car has had $250,000 in modifications, adding horsepower, a stiffer suspension and a roll cage. But Mr. Pastrana said the car is still “street legal.”

Red Bull and ESPN, which will televise the event live, are presumably getting what they wanted: not rally research, but an entertainment spectacular, albeit one that will last only a few seconds.

“Red Bull: New Year. No Limits” will be presented by ESPN and ESPNHD on Dec. 31 at 11 p.m.

source: The New York Times

just watched it on youtube and I must say that was f’ing awesome!!!

saw it live right after the ball dropped. awesome backflip into the water after

I set the DVR to record it since I was out last night…

FUXING ESPN had it programed from 11 to 12. Obviously, he didnt jump till right after midnight. Pissed me off after watching the entire thing and then having to go online and find it

thats pretty sick…you think they would give him more room at the end

nice gainer to top things off at the end :lol

It was def. sweet, but didn’t seem too exciting like any of his other shit.

Here is the video if anyone missed it:

It was definitely mellow compared to other stuff he’s done but it was more-so a hyped up publicity stunt reminiscent of Evil Kineval(sp) shit.

+1 it wasnt to exciting

nope the technology and physics in these stunts are so higly calculated now it really doesnt take much to do them. CAD the ramps, calc the speed needed and prep the ride. He could hit cruse controll and have 100 of those jumps across a salt flat and just jump one then the next then the next.

Even the dirt bike jumps are not like they used to be, they have radar set up to clock them, suspension setups are key.

They really shouldnt be called stunts anymore they are shows. Still cool to watch and travis is a stand up guy but it just doesnt do it for me anymore.

but cmon the monster truck flip attempt was hilariously un-calculated.

Any way you wanna look at it TP has more balls than all of us put together!!! I raced MX for the better part of my life and i would not consider hitting a jump on a dirt bike at 90mph calculated or not, its ballsZ! As for the car jump again physics, calculation etc 90mph at a ram over the water 300ft is balls to!

thats so true!!! he’s fuckin nuts!

its awesome to watch him do all this crazy shit!!!

yes, Pastrana and the Nitro Circus crew FTW

Who the fuck cares, if you’re sitting at home watching this on new years eve, you’re lame to begin with. Car jumping, OMG.

Thank you for posting in a thread that you don’t care simply for the purpose to express that you don’t care about the thread. Do you do that on every thread you don’t care? or just this one?


I was watching this with shapes and some close friends,although i was so fucking hammered,the only thing that came to my mind was awsome.