Paths to the White House

Where one wants to reduce taxes for the rich to levels not seen in the past 80 years, and the other wants to bring taxes on the rich back to where they historically have been during our best times of economic growth. Yeah their policies are totally the same!

Anyone up for beers at Founding Fathers’ tomorrow night? Or for the more partisan of you, I am going to hit up the Dem HQ before at about 8:30 for free liberal beer and food.

I would just rather go off the right of cliff instead of the left side.:slight_smile: The landing is going to hurt either way but I feel like I may still have some rights if I survive the Romney fall. I could be wrong but all I have to go on is BHO’s record so far which is very freightening to me. My 2 cents.

I’m really torn on whether or not to stick with my initial plan to write-in Ron Paul vs. voting romney…I can’t stand romney, but I feel the same way about the situation as BlueEyedDevil

What’s so frightening about his record, if you don’t mind me asking?

Mmmmm Black n Bleu Burger

If it makes you feel any better your vote for prez in NY isn’t going to matter. That hurricane would have needed to remove a whole lot more of downstate for this state to ever have a chance of going red.

So what you are saying is we should vote for Gary Johnson to send a message? :slight_smile:
I wrote in Dr. Paul last time but right-ins don’t even get counted in NYS so this time Gary gets my vote… probably.

Aren’t they arguing about 35% vs 37.5%? Unless Obama is proposing some massive hike or Romney some massive drop, their policies are the effectively the same.

Current Rate 10% 15% 25% 28% 33% 35%
New Rate 8% 12% 20% 22.4% 26.4% 28%

[sarcasm]SOO DIFFERENT[/sarcasm]

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

He’s getting my vote for sure. It’s not a throwaway when 5% of the popular vote will establish a legitimate 3rd party.

These polls show that Gary Johnson is within striking distance of his goal of getting 5% of the popular vote. If he is successful in this, then the Libertarian Party will essentially become the third major party in American politics. A 5% showing would help the Libertarians overcome ballot access hurdles, as well as tap into the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, which normally only goes to Republican and Democratic nominees.

well that settles that, I’ll be voting Gary Johnson simply to put the Libertarian party on the map

They’re currently at 35% for the rich, Romey has stated he’d like to reduce them to at least 25%, down to 20% if possible. So, tax rates for the rich not seen since 1932:

Though the graph you posted pretty well proves my point fry, notice how during the great depression top tax rates dropped like a rock. Then during the boom that followed they went up pretty high. They also went up when Clinton was in office, which was a pretty good period as well.

Unfortunately that graph doesn’t mention corporate tax rates or capital gains, as those are a pretty big part of the issue as well.

20% is getting pretty drastic, but it’s hard to know what he’s proposing when he’s been so vague. A 7% difference (per the link I found anyway) isn’t a “fundamental” difference between the two when it was over 90% after the last time our spending was as high proportional to the GDP (after WWII).

That’s why I say they’re the same. 28% vs 35% isn’t much compared to how high it was before Reagan’s trickle down economics bullshit.

Agreed. To be completely honest I’m more bothered by the 15% rate on capital gains, considering that’s how so many of the richest people in this country make the majority of their income. But that’s neither here nor there, since I’m voting for Johnson as well. We need a third party right now as badly as Paul Ryan needs to get punched in the face.


Romney carries FL and NC, but that’s it. 4 more years.

yeah I would put a few bucks down that Big O pulls 300+ electoral votes

---------- Post added at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

i was just looking through election history in that link and man did Ronald Reagan friggin kill his opposition each time he ran…

the dude pulled Cali and NY in consecutive terms

how bad a job did Jimmy Carter do to get murdered that badly as an incumbent?

and Strom Thurmond ran for pres in 1948?.. i thought that dude just died a few years ago

If you spend $5 trillion dollars in 4 years but don’t have super high taxes then you are just being 100% reckless as a President. If Obama really cared about the people he would not have dug a super gigantic hole to bury us in. If the people choose him again they get what they deserve.

$5 trillion dollars. If you don’t have kids yet I would recommend not having them.

Silly me, I always thought Congress controlled spending and tax rates.

But gas was $1.86 when Obama took office! It was also 60 degrees. I guess he fixed global warming.