Paypal Changes

any of you guys have your account changed to the new set up? it looks like it’s designed for mobile and half the features are gone. Doesn’t let you change funding source during the payment… i just had one draw from my bank rather than on visa… it’s basically designed to avoid the fees on paypals side but prevent the user from earning the benefits of using the credit card to back it…

what a mess… also cannot have international addresses on the account whether the account is personal or business which means you have to maintain multiple accounts if you are international… if you had a business or residences in 3 different countries you need a different account for each… imagine trying to transfer balances between accounts?

what other options are there out there?

i basically do not need paypal at all anymore with these changes.

i cannot even put into words how ridiculous and disappointing this is.

fuck everybody and start mailing using checks again

Wow, I haven’t used it in a long while, that makes me not want to anymore at all.

I just used PayPal today and was able to change my funding source right after I logged in with no problem. I have 5 different funding sources with my account because my kids use PayPal as well. This way they can use their own bank account instead of mine.

i know that it can be done but it used to be in-line with the payment as you processed it.

they’ve added a few extra steps to carry out that very basic function in order to reduce the amount of times that people use their credit card (paypal pays fees to credit card) vs. using your bank account (no fees for paypal to pay).

burying it as they have is shady… restoring the default to the bank account from the visa (which was set as my default) is shadier…

I upgraded mine last night and was angry as well.

I completed my transaction and will probably never use it again. I also dont buy used car parts every day so I cant find much of a reason to use it.

I use paypal all the time. Perfect for paying for stuff on the internet without giving the company my debit card number.


It’s a quick change to fix the issue…

I know computers are hard and complicated

I haven’t run into the funding source issue since payments are usually smart links from ebay or other resellers. It could be an issue for me though since I always use my CC vs balance or bank account.
What I do like is the 90 day grace period for opening disputes vs the old 45.

I still switch between addresses no issues.

the last 6 payments i normally would have used paypal for i just use my Visa direct now… i’m over paypal other than to receive money.

Bitcoin is the best way to move money. =)

Multiple extra steps

Its like…

“Oh sweet, the new Miley album is out in FLAC… I need to do what, just to play it?!?”

i use paypal all the time. buying/selling parts on forums, ebay, websites that accept paypal. i love being able to just order via bank account instead of having to use a cc.

sometimes the app acts goofy but i havent experienced any of the problems the op speaks of. however it seems like the fees have gone up…

No. There is a lot of integration we have been doing that is seamless if you have a modern type setup or someone that wants to pay. Its just as easy as apple pay and with the major payment processors now, you can cash right out to fiat currency and generate your tax service.

If you have a older POS system then yes, it is a bit of an investment to take it but if you have a system like square or another digital payment system, it is a super easy addition.

omg… just sent a payment and they defaulted back to my chequing account rather than my visa which i had set to default payment… these guys are something else… didnt have a chance to change it before hitting send.

why so shady?

I haven’t had have any issues. Still have the option to select which account to pay from before I hit send.

maybe its a Canada thing? I never have an issue either…

x2 always gives me options when checking out. Either my linked Checking or linked CC

nah i think i got ported into some new paypal shit and you guys are still using the old perfectly reasonable version.

and yes it could be a Canadian thing…