Paypal Changes

Here ya go. Most of your stuff is over Facebook anyway:

shopify has a new facebook store product out now too… it was inevitable… Facebook gonna CRUSH Etsy and various others… i can’t wait to get in on that

man paypal got me today… and while i was complaining about it today i ran into another guy who had the same thing happen to him.

i sold an item in USD… but because i am a Canadian, even though my account has both CDN and USD balances and my available funds shows in USD… the USD ayment made today was converted into CDN, put in my CDN balance but then converted back to USD for my available funds… and then when i went to process that drop ship order i paid in USD.

as a result of this involuntary conversion paypal pockets its 2.5% conversion spread twice…


flip side…

paypal’s cusotmer service has gotten much much better. i spent a while on the phone explaining the issue and they just gave me the difference back. so that was cool.

Bing do what apple does except in reverse lol base ur business in CA but have your invintory in the US lol

you cant change the account from canadian to US… but it shouldnt matter since i have both US and CDN currency balances. they’re just auto-converting to skim