Anyone got shafted by paypal before?

Well my account is locked and i cant withdraw and request any money from my ebay auctions. I have a paypal account for 5 yrs now, never have any problems at all and had been using the account heavily this month. All of a sudden they decided to locked my account because they claim they need to verify my address or what not. I called the customer serivice line up and waited 30 min before i get to speak to anyone. When i spoke to them in person they said some other bs like my paypal accout is link to someone with a negative balance and stuff. How can your paypal accout have negative balance ? If you dont have funds in your account or credit limits in your credit card it wouldnt even allow you to withdraw any money. Is this some stupid excuses so you wouldnt use your account so heavily ? I dont know how long its gonna take them to restore my account. Anything like this happen to your paypal account ? This shit is pissing me off. :mad:

Is this some stupid excuses so you wouldnt use your account so heavily ?

Not a chance because that is how Paypal makes their money.

How can your paypal accout have negative balance ?

Say somebody files a claim against you for a transaction you two made. He wins but you already deposited the money into your bank account. You then would have a negative balance.

maybe you can find some help here…
that’s where i went when i got screwed

I’ve done over 40 transactions - both ways - via Paypal. I’ve never had 1 problem…

I assume that You’ve checked all the 1000 FAQ’s on the Paypal site?

paypal kicks ass!!!

I had a issue where I sent $ from my bank account to sellers. He said that I sent to his old address, which was correct, because I didnt bother looking if he had a new one because I did business with him before. He claimed his old address/account got hacked into. So I needed to call paypal and get the funds transferred back. Paypal would not allow me to stop payment or get my $ back even saying that I didnt get my goods and such. The seller still sent me the items, but I dont think he was able to get the money because I sent it to a account that was in the negative. I felt bad about it but I put in a slew of emails and calls to paypal with no resolve.

They said it wouldnt of been a problem if I paid by CC, so now I always pay by CC.

Paypal SUCKS!

Purchased an item from someone
they did not ship the item
I filed a complaint with paypal,
they take the complaint go to the seller he never replies (cause hes scamming and a loser)
I am considered the winner of the complaint
Sweet, now get my money back paypal…
Paypal says: Sorry his account is empty, there is nothing we can do for you right now, if he puts money in the account we can get it, but other than that your SOL :mad: It will eventually go to collections :cjerk:

I ended up contacting local police in PA and getting my money back myself using the Police. PA state police were awesome :tup: to them. Guy got thrown in Jail on an outstanding warrant too at the same time :lol:

thats fucking awesome

i had to file 2 complaints so far. and i didnt get my money back.
you would think with all the money they are makeing they could afford to refund the money themselves

same thing happened with me … which is why i don’t use paypal OR ebay

Yeah I won my complaint too, but couldnt get the money back, go figure? Just use a credit card and you can stop the payment through that.

yea it happened to me too. except i didnt go to the police. the money i was owed was only like $30, but it’s the principle of the matter. i had to spend another $30 for the item i bought. so paying double was gay.

as long as the person your buying from is legit then paypal is fine. just make sure you kinda look into who your buying from before you send the money. thats how i’ve been going about it, no probs so far knocks on wood

ALWAYS use a CC as the source for PP funds. The only “trouble” I had was when the seller of an item won on eBay refused the PayPal pmt. because I was using a CC to pay for it. He may have been legit, but that was an alarm bell to me and I did not complete the transaction.

I’ve never had a problem with Paypal yet. I ALWAYS have my paypal hooked up to my CC because then if something doesn’t work out. I just goto the CC company and not paypal … it’s easier that way I think

I always deny payments from people who use credit cards. If you have a personal account it won’t let you accept them unless you upgrade to a premier account. With a personal account you never pay any Paypal fees. Once you upgrade to a premier they charge a certain percent each time somebody sends you money.

yeah they probably hate me right now, they kept sending me emails saying that i had to pay some fee for paypal…i signed up for it but never used it so i didint reply, fuck them. im not paying a fee when i dont use it.

I got shafted by a scamming scumbag for $200. He did like 12 people at the same time. Thanks paypal another $$$ POS ebay company. Paypal was good before they got bought out by the fag who owns ebay.

i usually have few problems, but in one instance, someone was supposed to ship me $300 in parts and only sent $150 worth of parts, but since i received a package from him, he wasn’t liable for the rest of the money according to paypal :gay3:

hmmm ive had paypal put my account into negative numbers and freeze my account until i deposit more money from one of my sources. Happened when i was buying and selling lots of xbox stuff, i overlooked an item i was supposed to ship and it never made it out, next thing i know my account id fucked and im trying to make transactions. OOPS