Agreed. Taking a check, paypal, or credit card payment from someone shady or a shady business can get you in trouble. Don’t buy from random people/places online at ebay etc. and you can avoid this. There’s always the BBB to go after people and check for scammers in advance.
yep, same thing happened to my buddy tom (boosted3g)
the guy left the 16g turbo AND the greddy type-s BOV out of the package … no way we could do anything about it
and now toms account is locked for like 8 months because he sold some items and paypal requested a purchase invoice for them, they wanted to know where he was getting his items to sell
the ebay/paypal system is great for ripping people off right now …
yeah ive been hearing of tons of people getting shafted by paypal…rather shady.
paypal used to be a GREAT way to to send and receive payments for auctions
now paypal is a great way to get assfucked in any situation
Looks like paypal aint giving back my money. I’d followed their step to resolve the matter. It’s not working. How can i sue them ? if i go through small claims court i would have to sue where their HQ is right ?