F ebay

This is complete BS. After spending an hour arguing with ebay help who demanded I pay by snail mail they told me to email them.

for the cliffs notes this is my email:

I received an email this morning notifying me of suspension of my account due to non-payment of auction insertion fees. I was surprised because I never received any type of invoice regarding it as well as the fact that my paypal account is setup for automatic payment.

I immediately clicked on the link and paid the insertion fees only to find that now my account is blocked. ebay help has told me it is due to fees on another account linked by my paypal. I am willing to pay the fees but only via paypal which has been refused by the live “help.”

Furthermore they have told me my auctions have all been canceled and therefore I demand a refund for the insertion fees that I paid which started all of this, or a re-listing of the auctions.

I had 13 auctions all ending tonight and tomorrow for parts from the parts sol I was selling.

yea ive had ebay pull similar shit, anything at al wrong with the auction and they will cancel it, and not refund your money.

7 auctions going now.
never had a problem, besides the time i listed my mini Sublime slotmachine, and forgot it was illegal. all they did was remove the ad/email me. no harm done. been a member since 03-04?..going good ;D


i dont sell on eBay, just buy. to much red tape.

my account is all fubared on ebay right now im pissed

Same here, but I’m thinking of joining the dark side and actually selling an item or two due to lack of demand locally :ohnoes

I hate the way ebay motors is now. Its a complete pain in the balls to find stuff. It used to be so easy but now its all fucked up.

because you’re dumb Paul :nana

yep, too many shitty “companies” selling crappy parts with false names and priced higher than online stores.
Its driven out all the normal people.

im going throguh a battle right now with ebay/paypal

What happened with you Walt?

There is a reason there are sites such as



I’m having an issue with Ebay right now as well. :headbang

basically, i sold 2 xobx 360 games on ebay, after i recieved payment for both I didnt have time to go to the post office to mail them so i had my wife do it, she forgot to put tracking on them. One of the packages were going to VA the other was going about an hour from me in Stratford CT. So the guy in VA gets his package in 3 days, the guy in CT says he never gets it. He files a comaplint with paypal, who automatically takes his word and puts a $47 freeze on my account. So i answer the claim with a note saying when i shipped it, where i shipped it from, and i also posted a copy of the reciept that showed not only did i ship his package but i shipped another on to someone who paid with paypal. The guy now sees that i have proof, and there is no way that he can screw me out of money and a game now and just doesnt answer/respond back to the claim, this happened on the 24th, the claim had to be responded to by him, the claim had to be answered by the 28th. So on the 28th, i log on assuming that seeing how he didnt respond back, he obviously got the package, because if he didnt, he would have pursued the claim, so i figure my money would be back in my account. WRONG! There is still a freeze on my account for the same amount and now it is being reviewed by paypal who wil do it sometime between the 28th, and the 14th. So I have 2 wait another 2 weeks and they still might give him the money? There system is so flawed. Basically, if you buy something off ebay, and the person ships it to you without tracking, you can keep the item, and get your money back. Fortunatel I had the reciept still. Thier system is very flawed, it is really a trust/honesty system. These days you cant go by that.

PayPal has been fine for me and my dad for the few years we’ve been using them

paypal is owned by ebay in case anyone didnt know and they both suck…

whenever i use paypal i pay via my credit card that way if i get scammed ill do a reverse charge through my credit card company because paypal’s buyer protection is bullshit

ebay is fucking garbage…i cant believe how expensive it is to list and sell items there…by the time you’re done you pay like 30% to ebay/paypal in fees…

Paypal has worked quite well for me but at the same time they have made me jump through a few hoops.

I ordered a shift knob and boot, 35 bucks total, when i checked out i made sure it was to use my credit card. Reciept verified it was to be paid by my card. Well a week later and I get my items and check my card, WTF no money was takin out? Well come to find out they decided they would try my old bank account first. So I get a call from my bank the next day telling me I had to pay them 90 dollars in fees. I ask why, they told me that theres a 30 dollar fee everytime paypal trys to acces my account and the funds are not availible. So they took care of one fee so I only had to 60, then my paypal account was neg 30 bucks because they fronted me the money, when they shouldent have had to and just used my card in the first place like they were supposed to

Another time I was trying to send the 400 dollar payment to the person i bought my turbo shit off of. I try to send they payment and its telling me its a no go, the money was there on my card. I checked and called mutiple times. So i call paypal, they tell me that there “internal” protection prevents money from being sent if there was a recent transaction of a similar ammount that there was problems with. So because someone else fucked somone out of 400 dollars I couldent use my card? wtf… so I try again an hour later, my card again as usual, except again paypal took it upon themselves to use my bank account so I had to rush to my bank the next day and deposit the money before i got 3 30 dollar access fees again.