PC Gaming Nerds Enter!

Anyone have suggestions for games they play online that are crackable and accessible from the typical sources?

I am looking to get back into gaming now that my computer can actually support it :cky:

What are some good FPS and racing games that are fun to play and work well online.

a good racing game for the computer is live for speed, not sure if you can play it online or not but its better than GT and forza IMO

EDIT: yes you can play it online


If you wanna get into some Fun MMO’s Warhammer will be releasing in a couple weeks


COD4 is the best shooter ATM, likely.

Finding a game that can be played online with a crack and without a cdkey will be tough though.

counter strike source ftw

:lol: word, it’s still true, 10 years later


I think GTR2 is one of the best racing games out there…GRID is okay if you don’t care much about realism

As far as FPS games, COD4, BF2, and any of the source engine games are pretty solid

Thanks for the suggestions. I loved COD4 on my Xbox. Might go grab a controller and get back into it on my PC. Playing with a mouse and keyboard is wired and still sucking at counterstrike until I get used to it again. Might go pick up a Xbox 360 controller for the PC. Seems to have good reviews.

Playing a FPS on a computer with a controller is retarded. No offense, but if you are playing against someone with a mouse, even the noobest of noobs will target you faster than you could target them.

If you didn’t play Portal, get that too.

Cracked servers… they are everywhere … Duh. you can use like some server search site for them

Does COD4 have a good number of them? Would like to get back into this game.



:tup: Used to play that game a lot, until my wheel got squeeky and just became annoying. Oh yeah, you can play it online, for 40 bucks, you can download the “real” game and get a bunch of different cars and tracks. The player base isn’t too big though last time I checked. A lot of Formula 1 racing.

CS:S is still the shit.

COD4 or BF2

Download rFactor it can be cracked but is getting harder and harder its free to try to see if you like it. Basically its built to be modded there are hundreds of mods made for all types of racing. And its a sim not arcade style racing

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 is pretty fun. I just got a craxxord version of it… no online play with that though.

And regarding the controller on the pc… You can use a wired xbox 360 controller, download the microsoft software, and most modern games get an auto configuration for it which makes it play identical to the xbox which you’re used to.
I’ve used it on COD4, MOH-Airborne, and now Vegas, with no issues and great playability.

i frag counter-strike 1.6 still erryday and also just got back into WoW.

honestly… I keep going back to risk 2, Age of Empires 3 and Oblivion.

COD4 and BioShock are really good too. What kind of genres are you into? For multiplayer FPS, buy TeamFortress 2… worth every penny

I like FPS but get bored after a while. I was addicted to COD4 on Xbox and also CS:S so looking at getting back into that. Just not used to playing on my laptop yet.

Also going to try out some MMORPGs I think and wanna give Sim Societies a try now that my video card can support it. Haha.

Thanks for your advice. I was thinking about going to gamestop and grabbing a used wired xbox controller instead of paying 65 for a new wireless one. I remember reading about people doing this and working great.

I’ve “heard” that there is a charging issue with the wireless ones. Not sure how true it is, but +1 for just picking up the cheaper wired controller. The cord is plenty long enough, especially if you’re just sitting in front of your pc.