People are awesome

Riders are awesome 2012 6 part series.


“action sports” now a days is just mind blowing. Some of the young kids that jump into the sport at a premiere level I swear are not human.

Its gotta be a great feeling making a living at that, and laughing at the kids in school that picked on you for being a “skater” or “bike fag”.

my fav, the 200+ foot natural backflip on the dirtbike and the free-coaster switch back no hander on the 1/4 pipe at 2:34! WTF!@!!111!

Ohh and CR’s milleville crash I watched live and thought I just whitnessed him get killed, only to get up, kick it over and finish in 3rd I want to say!




Songs are…
-The Office Theme Song
-Linus & Lucy
-The Turkish March
-Mario Bros. Theme
-In The Hall of the Mountain King
-Bad Romance
-Viva La Vida
-Like a Virgin
-Crazy Train
-James Bond
-Pirates of the Caribbean
-The Final Countdown


Stop complaining about everything in life. Start doing something about it.







A friend of mine is an arm amputee, left arm. Dude has a mechanical prosthetic, moved the clutch lever to the right side above the brake. Rides it so well nobody can tell the difference. Major props to people overcoming lifes obstacles and kicking ass at what they love to do!


TRY to stay unmotivated after this video/speech


The speech is from Charlie Chaplin - Great Dictator

Background song - Time - Hans Zimmer

amazing speech.

i posted this speech a couple of times but it gets deleted or it says its not a valid link

i titled it greatest speech ever just like youtube video.

google search pitman greatest speech ever





To me, there is just something mentally wro-

I cant even use the word wrong, because its not really wrong, it’s just not natural I guess.

There are extreme sports, stunts, whatever you want to call it, that are calculated and there is a level of failure along those lines that’s expected. You crash a dirtbike, a sled, you wipe out on ski’s or a snowboard while you try to progress yourself in the sport. NOBODY in those sports has succeeded 100% at what they do. Injury is %100 guaranteed along the way and death is always in the back of your mind.

Free-climbing anything over a story or two is taking it to another level. One where you can’t look at the law of averages with eminent failure and mistakes along the way. It’s un-natural to possess the ability to block that out and just start climbing. There has to be something mentally “off” if they can still take on a climb and think “this is going to catch up to me one day, and that will be my last day on earth”. HOLY SHIT!

^ that.

And this, is awesome:





