People are freakin slobs

We have a community PC at work with AutoCAD LT and some other stuff on it. The damn keyboard looks like someone used it as a placemat then puked on it, so I stuck a biohazard symbol on it. What the hell do people do to it? It makes we want to bathe in Clorox after using it. Keyboards in shops are cleaner than this.


i hate slobby ppl

jeff… switch 2 or 3 keys around and let them fuck up all day and not realize why…

/people that can’t type

Disconnect the keyboard whenever your not using it.


I need to burn the whole thing. Doing anything on a Windows 95 computer is pure torture. It’s only around because of some security software that runs on it. And of course we can’t load the other software on a decent computer.


/post Whores!

you showed them!

Ooh yeah, office wackiness. :rolleyes: :smiley:

It was more entertaining than working though.

autocad lt :rofl::rofl::rofl: