Okay PC Ladies and Gentlemen, I need your help please!

Hey everyone, hope you’re all enjoying the nice weather, and having your toys out! Hoping to have my M3 back out within the next week or two.

Okay, so on to my topic/question. Now, I would like to think I know a fair amount about computers, but by no means am I an expert. Usually when something is wrong with my PC, I do my research, and resolve the problem myself, but man this one just keeps alluding me :frowning:

This issue is with my father’s laptop, which is an ASUS X54C.

A few months ago, he was cleaning the keyboard (while the laptop was still on) and a problem arose. After the cleaning, when you pressed a certain key it would act like a shortcut and open a program, for example when you pressed the “R” button the run/task menu would appear. So I did my research figured he either A.) Turned on this feature by mistake, which I checked, or B.) Broke the keyboard. Now the laptop acts this way every time you turn it on, restart it, wake it from sleep mode etc. But now here’s the kicker.

Say I turn on his laptop, I’ll take one of my USB keyboards, plug it in, then press the “Windows key + R”, press a bunch of keys randomly, Alt + F4 to close the run/task menu, unplug my keyboard, then it’s fine and back to normal. I’m typing this on his laptop right now. But another issue is after I “fix” (lol) the problem, if I press the “Windows key + R” on the laptop keyboard, it just highlights the recycling bin. Sorry for the long post, but I’m trying to be descriptive as possible and this has been bugging the hell out of us.

So…anyone have any suggestions? Could it be that keyboard itself is just broken? (Also yes, I did remove the windows key to see if it was stuck or broken, but the problem was still there) If it is broken, I have no problem replacing it. I apologize that I’m going to tag you guys, I just know (well I assume so at least lol) from reading your posts you are the “more” computer savvy people on here and if I left someone out, I’m sorry. I haven’t been on here as much as I would like to lately. @LZ @Geehee @ProgRocker @boxxa @boardjnky4 @maxwell (Again, I’m sorry if you’re not a computer person, I’ve been out of the loop on here)

This post is a bit late/early in the am, so I don’t expect a response right away, just looking for some help/pick your guys brains for some help/advice/input, anything haha. So if you take the time to read this, thank you very much and if one of you can help me resolve the issue, I owe you a cold one :tup:

Thanks again fellas!

Check the accessibility (Ease of Access) options? Specifically sticky keys. What was your old man cleaning the keyboard with? It’s possible that maybe there is a short, in which case a keyboard replacement would be necessary.
You could probably get one on eBay for a few bucks and change it out in under 30min.

Scan the machine for malware (www.malwarebytes.org). I’d also try doing a selective start up START > RUN > msconfig . Go to services and check the box to hide all M$ services, then uncheck all the ones remaining. Uncheck all the startup options as well. Maybe it’s some ASUS software that could be causing this.

A good troubleshooting step would be to eliminate the OS as a culprit. If you’re savy, create a bootable USB/CD with linux on it and see if typing is normal that way. If not, you know it’s a hardware issue. If it is normal under alternate OS, then sounds like you’re in for a re-image.

Did he vacuum the keyboard? If so, almost guaranteed it’s shorted.

As @ProgRocker said, keyboard replacements are cheap. I found one on ebay for $14 in less than 30 seconds, so if it’s the hardware, it should be a piece of cake to replace.

^ Good Idea, I’d grab a portable copy of Ubuntu and try out the keyboard. Instructions here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows

and yes to the vacuum. People argue this all the time with me, DO NOT VACUUM your computer. It will short shit out, I can tell you this first hand.

@ProgRocker He cleaned it with a blue rag (one you would find from a hospital) with either some windex, or that concentrated Mr. Clean stuff you mix with water. Is there a way I could check to see if the key is shorted out with a DVOM? One of the first things I checked when the problem initially started was the sticky keys, that portion was fine. I was actually going to re-install malwarebytes on it tonight when he gets home. I had it installed on there before I completely rebooted the laptop, this was before the keyboard issue haha. I will give the selective start up a try tonight! Thank you for your help/input!

@boardjnky4 I’ve never created a bootable USB/CD with Linux, but I’m sure I could figure it out. Could I download Linux, load it on a SD card and boot from that, or does it have to be CD/USB only? I only ask because I don’t think we have any blank Data CD’s I could burn Linux on to, plus I believe the biggest flash drive I have is maybe 4-8 gigs. I’m not sure how large Linux is, never played around with it, but always wanted to. If it’s CD/USB only, could I use a SD card reader that plugs in via a USB port? I get what you’re saying with trying it under Linux, makes total sense. If it did work normally under the alternate OS, do you mean a complete re-boot/new installation of windows on the laptop when you say re-image? Again like I asked ProgRocker, can I check for a short with a meter? And thank you for your help/input!

:edit: I’m not sure if he vacuumed it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did haha. I’ll ask him when he gets home and if he did, well I’ll probably just purchase a new one.

I just checked the ebay, you two are right, replacement keyboards are cheap, if that’s what it ends up being, its no big deal. Like I said in my OP, I have no problem replacing it with a new one. Thanks again for the tips/ideas guys! Much appreciated!!

      • Updated - - -
        @ProgRocker just saw your post with Ubuntu, thank you!! I’ll snag it in a bit. Also just watched a video on replacing the keyboard, granted it was a different model, but basically setup the same way. Its just surprising to me only 5 small tabs/clips hold in the board, and then its out! Haha

Well again thank you again for all the recommendations! I’ll try Ubuntu tonight and post with an update!

Yes, you can use an sd card.

Get http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ and use Ubuntu 14.04. It will automatically download the release and load it onto the card. Then boot from the SD Card and you’ll get a desktop. Firefox should be there by default as well as a basic text editor.

Light it on fire

Sounds like the windows key is sticking/shorted.

When you hit R and it opens the run dialog that means the OS was sent “Windows+R”. When you mess with it a bunch and get it working then hit “Windows+R” and all it does is highlight the recycle bin that’s because Recycle Bin is the first icon the OS finds that starts with R. It did this because all the OS was sent was the “R” key.

Honestly, I’d stop wasting my time with this boot disk stuff and just order a keyboard. There’s no way this is software related, especially since it happened right after he used a liquid soaked towel to clean the keyboard.

^See that site for Ubuntu USB booting.

I’ve never tested anything ever with a meter so I’m not entirely sure maybe @LukeL could provide guidance. The meter would need to connect to a ribbon cable if you’re just testing the keyboard. If you go from the motherboard, I honestly have no idea where to connect it, probably the main input jack. Based on what you described it’s sounding like a hardware issue.

As far as cleaning goes. I recommend the Clorox wipes

      • Updated - - -

I wasn’t exactly sure if this was happening before the cleaning or if he just said that. I’ve had plenty of users say stuff like…oh I just moved my keyboard over and now I have a virus…yeah…ok



Damn a lot of good info here, I was going to suggest the Linux ideal but it’s already been offered