People who chew with your mouth open...

LOL @ the absurd racism in this thread

Works tax free indian or works on a visa Indian?

steals your motor home when u park it to close to the reservation at night indian, or tries to convince you their name is bob and they live in chicago when u call for tech support indian ?

custers last stand Indian or custard machine Indian

Paulo show your new coworker this thread

slap the fucking dot off his head, and while ur at it tell him to shower to get rid of the curry stench, which im sure he has covered with 6 gallons of cologne.

Why, It doesn’t make any sense at all.

How did this abortion of a thread even happen?!

Jesus H…This thread has to be up there with some of my favorite threads of all time on here.

I FUCKING hate “food noises”. It absolutely enrages me to the point that I cannot think of anything else. That and it seems that said non-native Indians are among the most-oft offenders.

The comparisons are fucking hilarioius.

I missed this before from the first page, but it’s probably my favorite. lol :clap:

I knew you couldn’t keep the happy bullshit up for long. :clap:


You ever think of politely asking him to stop chewing with his mouth open? It might work better than making this thread.

Drunk “I hate my life, poverty strucken, only make money by owning Casino/Duty Free Shop” Indian or My apartment smells like B.O. Indian?

This thread was more than worth the effort. lol

Telling someone that they’ve been annoying people when they eat for their entire lives can sometimes be a touchy issue. I do have to work with this guy for a while, so I don’t want to end up on bad terms. Although, I may just bottle up my anger, and then decapitate him on a sunny Tuesday.

Take him out to lunch sometime?

you can drop the hint subtly. Send him some sort of joke about how annoying it is that people chew with their mouth open or something lol

I got nothing

great thread though :lol:

haha. OORRR I’ll send an e-mail out to co-workers inviting anyone that chews with their mouth closed to lunch.

So annoying, you should just buy a bunch of first grader picture books in bulk. And just keep placing them on his desk until he gets the hint.

so wait… what kind of indian are we talking about?

The kind that saved the pilgrims from starvation with corn or the kind that saves truckers from starvation with slowly rolling greasy cheese filled hotdogs?

Just say it-- is he a fuckin Towel head?

wow how unpc

Newman is just trying to understand. Help him out Paulo.

lol and inaccurate