People With Money In the Market

Decided to use the money I cashed out of STI to hold yahoo for a little while. We’ll see if they pull an Anheuser and condemn being bought, then accept more money. If they do it’s a quick 50+% profit…

HAHAHA im on the fence with a similar move right now. C had an amazing week and im thinking about cutting it and maybe doing the same. Looks like SIRI might come to life soon as well. I had money in FRE last week I picked up at $5 and sold at $7.20. Looks like the joke is on me.

haha sweet. I’m up $16 on my YHOO investment so far. $7 after the trading fee. That’s further into the green than I ever was on fucking suntrust.

I would dump C if it breaks into the 20’s. Of all the sectors that have gone bad, they’re the only company that was in every single one.

I finally dumped a bunch of C on friday and moved some to YHOO :frowning: But SIRI is finally coming to life. I bought a bunch last week @ $1.92. Anyone have anything they like in health care? How long before anyone is going to look at REIT’s? Damn last week was nice.

Screw carl icahn, im blaming you for yahoo sucking today.

We havent seen the worst for the REIT’s yet…some people that were hanging on are being pushed over the edge by inflation…

Yea i know reits are still no good but I still think I will be on the early side of purchasing for sure. Icahn can lick my sack. Now im debating what to do with it. I will think it over during the week and see where it goes. I havent been reading and doing much research so im all out of ideas really.

It is going to move tomorrow when the 2Q results come out. Good or bad, but its gonna move.

Yea thats actually what im waiting to see. I have a few that i keep trading in range as well that are almost to comfortable buy points again.

Maybe Carl will get the MSFT deal done from within. He usually doesnt jump in on something unless theres short term gain to be made.

I sure hope so. I need to start dating a chick in real estate management so i can buy some rentals and let her deal with it.

Theres a lot of cougars in the field…they know how to make sales to the guys with money.

My latest investment strategy…
Wait till im 30…find super hot 18yo that comes from serious $$$$$$ ??? profit!

I believe thats known as the John McCain strategy. His wife even made her fortune in beer.

JOE YOU SON OF A BITCH! C is almost $21 I hate myself right now. Fucking YHOO

im ignoring STI today because I don’t want to puke up gatorade shots.

HAHAHAHAHAH did you see it? LOL at you!

yes. But im up $600 for the day so im letting it slide. That would have been another $250.

Im losing a good amount today it looks like. C is saving face for me right now. I really wish I trusted my gut with the financials a few weeks ago :frowning:

Up $385 in an hour so far this morning thanks to after hours trading on YHOO and BWLD kicking ass again. Looks like another good day so far. As long as i ignore suntrust again GOD I HATE THAT FUCKING STOCK

Yep. Oh, and they simultaneously announced a $1 billion dollar stock repurchase program. :tup: Stock’s up $1.26 today so far.