People With Money In the Market

Man yesterday I picked some great ones I was going to move on this morning…Then I went to the casino and got home at 6AM. I hate myself. FUCK

Well I’m happy. Praxair went up 4% today and I had stuffed half my 401k into it a week ago. That oughta take a decent bite out of my shitty 2008.

I was up in the $700’s for the day at one point. Ended up $12.73. Not cool.

Yesterday VMW tanked after hours and I was going to grab it this morning for under $33 it closed at $37 FUCK! I also said hmmm airlines might have a second day in them lets buy JBLU in the morning and it went up %16 FUCK! Instead I went to the casino, lost $300 went to bed at 7AM and just woke up. FUCK! lol

EDIT- I would like to say i picked up some WM assuming(%20) was an oversell situation and see where it goes in a few days. I also picked up some RDN well after it was already hot but today they are voting on the housing insurance blah blah blah thing and i think on approval it will still go up tomorrow.

sounds like you lost alot more then that…

Just to torture myself I ran the numbers and last night cost me over 2k. I set an alarm too and somehow I slept through it. I had today planned perfect!

If your not going to watch your money in the market pull it of to the sidelines.Save your self the agrivation. Mon - Fri is a traders work week. Alotof serious traders are up a 4:00AM ready for the market. Be thankful we do not live on the West Coast where market hours are from 6:00AM to 1:00PM.


you’ve got half of your 401k in company stock:fry:

you might want to check out this company called enron and how all the employees got screwed. this is ultra taboo in the investment world.

I did leave it on the sideline thats what im saying I did the moves I wanted today were good picks I just didnt move because i went out all night instead(vacation). For my first year and having a full time job I can not complain though this year has been great to me. I can’t wait to be unemployed.
PS-I do live on the west coast.

Eggs in the basket? lol dont trip.

Oh snap!!! No wonder… try trading the Hang Seng of Nikkei you get a daily setup from the US market. How is the realistate market doing there?


Yea unfortunatley I just don’t get to invest as much as I would like while on the west coast. I will be back east in about a year. I live near Seattle and real estate is still expensive as balls and there are still waiting lists to get into the nice housing condos/lofts downtown.

Siri and XM merger APPROVED! Just stacked up 18,000 shares more today. Been waking up early for the past 3 days waiting for the approval but nothing. Hopefully Monday it’s gonna pop. Anyone has shares in this stock?
For the past week, I’ve been shorting some financial stock. Hell of a ride with this market. One day up I’m down 10k, the next i’m up to even money then a little change.

Well for a three week recap I had two weeks in a row that i did great on the rally we had since as some of you know I buying big in financials for a few months now and it paid off. Unfortunately I was a mess all last week I was making solid trades that could have even made me money but i was being greedy and missing great selling opportunity. All in all I made enough to pay for the entire vacation I just took :slight_smile:

Now to SIRI I thought I was crazy hahaha I am holding 4k shares and plan to ditch them on Monday. I kinda went insane this week and was letting emotion in the picture and kinda cleared out my folio haha so I might sell down half and see how they do for a 1/4 or two. I have to put my thinking cap on this weekend basically.

Good luck to everyone this week.

DRV is at 98 cents FGGT…wanna move it?

I thought that the Siri XM merger was denied yet again?

nope, it’s been approved afaik

I could have sworn I saw on that it was denied??? been watching it the past few days and it’s DOWN. Sucks when 35 cents is 22%

wow, sirius in the shitter again today. Poor drew.

Z, did you get out yesterday or are you taking the beating too?

nobody’s having a good day yesterday - glad i moved to private investments :smiley: