Pep Boys Black Friday Sale

Just wanted to let you all know that we are having a big Black Friday sale from 7am-11am and some specials until X-mas. The 7-11 stuff is mostly tool sets, promo merchandise, scooters, one brand of oil and some other mixed stuff. The ad came out in todays paper or here is the link…

can you really rent bays there?

thanks for the heads up :tup:



hrmm i wonder what sears is going to do for tools … :drool:

damn i hate being poor damn damn damn.

Hey, is that Impact any good?? The Goodyear thingy for like $80?

We’ve sold a bunch haven’t heard of any problems with them. We have about 10 in stock right now I believe.

Awesome. Might be sending my parents in for my Christmas Gift tomorrow, haha. Thanks.


:tup: even though im workin

i should drop by to buy more shit that i dont really need because its on OMG SUPER SALE OMG

?? i couldent find this in the ad wats the deal with it??

not in the ad, different thread here someone mentioned it then i didn’t hear anything else.