PepBoys to "adjust" Military and Senior discounts...

The genius number crunchers at Pepboys corporate have decided that old people and soldiers aren’t worth the extra 10 seconds it takes to enter a discount on Fridays through Mondays. That’s right, if you are a soldier or senior citizen, and want to get your 10% discount, Pepboys will only do it on Tuesday through Thursday now.

Fucking morons.

I’m so glad I quit Pep Boys when I did, it was the shittiest job I’ve had. Corporate retards.

Which one did you work at?

NFB. I’m generally not a bitter employee but between the restrictive corporate mentality, shitty management and pay rate, I can say it was my least favorite PT job. I worked as an installer and due to the lack of automotive knowledge from the mechanics and “who gives a shit” mentality of the service managers, I’d never consider a job there again.

Why even offer it at all then? :ham:

Exactly my thought. Are they hurting THAT bad that they can’t sacrifice 10 seconds to help someone who served our country? That’s crap.

Senior discount is meh, but almost everyone gives a military discount even if they don’t advertise it. Almost like one of those unwritten rules.

Here’s my 2 cents though:

Who actually takes their car to Pep Girls minus old people and d-bags with neons or cavaliers?

Fixed your post :wink:

That wasn’t a poke at Canadians btw, they were our main customer when I worked there cuz they wanted cheap half ass work or tires without paying their 85245% tax.

probably better than valvoline

Mine? Wait huh? Lol

Oh I was wondering what your angle was on that… because I don’t think they have PepBoys in Canada. But they come down here for everything not just tires.

Back on topic…

How long ago did you work there? I started the first time in june 07.

But anyway, here’s an idea to increase sales instead of saving that 10%: ADVERTISE the senior and military discount instead of dropping it 4 days a week. Even if everyone else has the same discount, throw it into an ad, so that soldiers and seniors might think of pepboys when they want parts/service. (not that anyone should think of pepboys when they want service, but thats an entirely different topic)

Posting on the internet down talking your business of employment. Good thinking

What no discount for bankers, or firemen, or waitresses? What about plumbers, or cowboys, or astronauts?

I talk down my business of employment in my business of employment. Often to customers. They don’t pay me enough to lie for them, and they like me enough to hire me twice.

My old man managed NFB for a long time until he had enough with the bs that kept being thrown at him

I don’t see what the big deal is. Often times discounts that are based on a time period are meant to drive business during that particular time since it’s slower. This could simply mean that they’re, statistically speaking, busier on mondays and fridays now than they were, or less busy on tuesdays through thursdays and want to drive some more business during those periods.

or they’re just reducing the discount as a cost cutting measure.

I wouldnt want to play in this retail space anyways these days. There’s a good reason so many brick and mortar based businesses are going out of business… maybe Pep Boys is on the way out?

God I hope so.