Perfect solution for those without A/C

No parasitic power loss on your engine!


rednecks make me laugh

Necessity is the mother of invention.

It may weigh a couple lbs more though.:biglaugh:
(at least it can be easily removed when he races)



I dunno which is worse, the AC or the gheeeeeto taillight replacement.

hahahah thats awesome

edit: at least he used the foam to get a good tight seal around the unit :rofl:

I wanna see the rest of this guys car…

Hey… if it works… then all the power to the redneck.

in a car that big thats not a/c, that a freezer unit




I spotted a guy on walden by the mall driving a Van with a home AC unit stuck through one of the rear windows.No it wasnt a stock AC unit or a special conversion van,it was a rotted out van.



that’s pimp

jeezus christ … Imagine that thing falling out the window at 65

That would make an amazing back seat bullet

Damn right it would. I wouldn’t want to be the passenger’s dome and any type of collision.

did anyone else ntoice the japanese beginner driver emblem on the spare wheel cover?

do they make a light weight version?