performance based pay for govt and politicians?

So anyone think that the government should be paid tax based on how well they perform? Obviously it would be the most complicated pay plan on earth but I think it would make sense. If my business doesn’t make money or do what it should I don’t get a paycheck. If the government doesn’t do what we ask and doesn’t turn a “profit” at the end of the year should they get a paycheck? I bet there are very few people who don’t get paid on their results and I think we should pay the government based on the results, at least the politicians.


The government will never do as we ask. There are too many career politicos & too many lobbys.

Not to mention the sheeple that will actually gather & rise up were there an effective changes actually being processed.

The system, AS A WHOLE, is broken. Nothing short of a reboot will fix it under 20 yrs.


They would still be slipped $ in the backdoor by lobbyists.

I know it was more of a joke then anything but, performance based pay should never be considered when the “employee” can’t control many of the factors of their success.

How many junior Senators and Congressmen start their career hoping to bring about some legitimate change to Washington and find they can’t do shit.

(Exception being Obama)

Performance is based on opinion. There are still 30% out there that think bush is doing an amazing job. According to them, Bush would get a raise. But he would not be allowed to raise taxes to get said raise. So we would have to barrow more money from china… Man cant wait till they come to collect. Or many we would just cut millitary spending, and by military spending I mean soldiers benefits. I mean with how hard they are being pushed most the time, they wont have the time to take advantage of that $35,000 a year for college anyway.

Back on topic, No it would be destine to fail miserably. I think the best motivator should be a charge of treason and sentence of death if your approval ratting drops below 40%
With no chance for pardons.

I mean if you really did fuck up a country miserably, it should be counted as an act of conspiracy to commit crimes against your country which does hold death as its punishment.

Sorry just daydreaming.

probably would fail miserably…

Yea, you vote their asses out when they fuck up. I’m not voting for one standing rep or senator. They are all fucks. If the voting public ever stops watching dancing with the stars and wakes up to the fact that these jokers are fucking us, our kids, our grand kids… then they might get together and do somthing about it. But as we sit, were gonna just get dug into a hole that the guy with the shovel will get to walk away from clean.

Define success when you have multiple groups of people are wanting different things.