What do you want the Democrats to accomplish?

This thread is just to let eveyone know what you expect from the people you elected to do.
I mean other than higher taxes and legalizing man/boy love, we already know how excited you are about that.:stuck_out_tongue:

Get us the fuck out of Iraq.

EDIT: I know it will never happen. If we ever ever ever leave Iraq they will instantly begin a 3 way civil war that will go on forever until another dictator rules it with an iron fist. Then the US will be considered an evil empire by the entire world for doing this to their country. But I can dream right?

uhm thats a republican issue

Why do you want to get out of Iraq?
I mean what is the main reason?

I’d settle for them not wasting all my damn money by giving it away to ungrateful fuckers that exist solely to leech off of the system.

Yeah, I know, I’m asking a lot.

The Democrats claim made a claim about lobby reform. I think that this is the #1 problem with government and would love to see these people actually make decisions with the constituents solely in mind.

strong economy OUT OF WAR TIME due to strengthening trade relations.
figure out what the hell to do about social security
turn all of the middle east to a nice smooth peice of glass after we get our guys out of there
initiate a national lottery where i am the winner every week

this is a baited question. i think you are asking people to come forward and ay what they want, so you can flame the democrats for
A. not doing it when clinton was in office
B. not being able to do it cuz they are “spineless”
C. not being republican cuz “it was our plan all along to do it we just need more time!”

all in good fun though

Especially since taking your money and giving it to leeches is what that party is all about.

I think you are very confused on that one my friend. Legalization of gay marrage has been a liberal battle for quite some time. As far as higher taxes…also a democrat thing. Remember, republicans are all rich…why would they want higher taxation of their money? The democrats on the other hand love it. It gives them more money to found their social pet projects. Personaly I want to see welfare reform and tax reform. I have no problem with taxes, they are essential, but the way the money is spent is rediculous. Look at erie county. Prime example of mis handled founding. We have plenty of money, but they need to spend it more wisely. With the amount of people in this state and the tax revenue it brings in, there is no reason why we shold be in the fiscal state that we are in.

I’ll start small and work my way up to the ones that need a democratic president in '08.

  1. Reduce student loan rates, undo the increases Bush made.

  2. Increase the minimum wage. Maybe there wouldnt be so many people “leeching off the system” if they could actually make a fucking wage they could live on.

  3. Lobbying reform. I think everyone can agree that it needs to be changed, William Jefferson is just as much of a douche as the Abramoff Republicans.

  4. Repeal the bush tax cuts. The deficit is fucking us worse than anything in the long run, and rich people don’t need their capital gains from their billion dollars in mutual funds or estates over $100 million taxes reduced.

  5. Fund stem-cell research. A lot of it. As discussed here many times, there is absolutely no reason not to.

  6. Give the Iraqis an ultimatum to get their shit together and begin an organized reduction/pullout culminating on that date.

  7. Health care reform. There is no reason why greedy for-profit HMO pieces of shit should control life and death in this country, and continue to skim off the top every time. We’re the only industrialized nation in the world without social health care, and it can be administered a lot more reasonably priced.

  8. Modify the Patriot Act as the different provisions sunset. Eliminate the ones that amount to government spying on its citizens for the hell of it.

  9. Repeal the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Personal one here, I just don’t like that law

  10. Elect Bill Clinton for emperor. Remember when the dow was much higher than it was today when adjusted for inflation, the government gave a shit about the poor and the middle-class, we had the biggest SURPLUS, not the biggest DEFICIT in history, the government was going to focus on social programs, not bullshit wars, and we could actually fund stem-cell research? Yeah, that was nice. Hell, he can take a squad of 100 girls just to serve him and I’m cool with that.

seperation of church and state

is that too much to ask? from any party… any at all? some mo’s want the same tax advantages as a straight couple; fine, but its not marriage, its a civil union. marriage is a religious belief and the feds should have no say in it at all. that shit just pisses me off, and i dont even believe in god.

oh, and stay the fuck out of my home, i don’t need some one to tell me how to handle muh bizniss.

1 and 4 contradict each other. you’re robbing peter to pay paul.
and yes, great idea. give unskilled labor even more money. maybe then we can send flipping burgers to mexico too.

uhm 1st)http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/f/mark_a_foley/index.html?adxnnl=1&excamp=GGGNsenatorfoley&adxnnlx=1163094837-bf+KMp/PW59DsIIW8o1bYg

2nd) I am all for gay marriage, good for them, they deserve it, I mean there are plenty of gay couples/lesbian couples that I know that would make better partners than any straight marriage.

3rd) see foley about the man boy love party, liberals are not for pedifiliacs.

I’ll tell you what I DON’T want to see

an open border with mexico
yanking us out of Iraq (would be a huge short sighted mistake imo)
higher taxes
crippling our millitary again
and more stupid social programs

things I WOULD like to see done

Social Security reform
Reformed social programs (get rid of the extra weight that’s never worked a day in their lives that holds the rest of society back)
Bi-Partisan cooperation on both sides of the fence
and a 1000 lb box of $100.00 bills in my garage :smiley:

I’m not holding my breath though… I HIGHLY doubt we’ll see much of anything change

Actually they go hand in hand. Peter has more money than he will ever need,but the only competitive advantage america has over developing nations is supposedly superior education and intelligence. A small investment in covering student loan interest, WHICH, wouldn’t even be a big deal if the tax cuts are repealed because lower deficit = lower interest rates, (See 1993-2000) saves a large investment in welfare later.

Also, would you work for $5.15 an hour in most states if you knew you couldnt support yourself or your family? I know I wouldn’t. Welfare is always supposed to be a temporary inferior solution to working, but people abuse it because of low minimum wage. If every unskilled and service employer only wants to pay minimum, there should be a significant advantage to taking that rate over welfare. Hell, I’m a Clinton style democrat, I would even be willing to put welfare on a sliding scale, where the longer you stay on it the more your benefits decrease.

Yes that is why democrats are so supportive of gay marrage, because it is a republican idea :bloated:. Increasing minimum wage will increase inflation. Just becuase some people are poor does not justify making everyone else poorer. I’m sorry, it sucks, but somebody flipping burgers is not worth $7 an hr, when somebody saving lives as an EMT makes $7.20 an hr.

Yes bring back clinton so he can fuck us again “in the long run”. Nafta has caused sooo many job losses, as well as increased deforestation in the amazon because of the booming lumber industry. Can’t forget how he cut military spending dramaticly…but hey who cares right. imean cmon, everybody knows that he alone was the reason that the economy started going awsome, it had nothing to do with the fact that reaganomics were taking hold, or the fact that the dot com boom had people investing money and becoming filthy rich, alowing them to pump more money into the economy. Shit, I’m sure he was responsable for the economy starting to go awsome 1 1/2 years BEFORE he got into office too, but its Bush’s fault that it started going to shit almost 2 years BEFORE he got into office. Not to mention clinton had the highest amount of scandals and coruption under his administration, but wtf…who cares right? The economy was good, so lets all praise him for it and not look deeper into WHY it was going good, but celebrate that it was. Personly I love the fact that he gave China military grade technology to aid in their space program, which massivly enhanced their nuke delivery system. Imean c’mon, its not like China would have any reason to get rid of the US, imean other than the fact that it is a major compedator in the oil industry and China will do damn near anything to secure it’s own future, as seen in the past. yup…he gets my vote.

^ the reasons for the economy doing good have to do with deficit reduction, supply of treasury securities, and the bond market. none of which you would understand if i gave a financial analysis.
Short story: Lloyd Bentsen (Clinton’s first treasury secretary) > you.

I forgot to mention bringing the drinking age back down to 18 or 19 max, eliminating another dinosaur of the reagan social values BS, since 21 is #1 useless, #2 promotes binge drinking of freshmen and #3 more expensive to enforce.

And in another deficit reduction move, legalizing pot and taxing the shit out of it. Puts dealers out of business, ensures unlaced shit, cuts a lot of money spent on enforcing it.

EDIT: in regards to your post below.
You’re not an MBA in finance, and the stuff I would discuss is at that level. If newman and bikerfry went on about some upper-level engineering, I wouldn’t know which end is up, so i wouldn’t expect a car forum to understand graduate economics.

Oh ofcorse I wouldnt understand, I forgot, I am an uneducated hick.

me = :bloated:


you really are slow, gay marriage has nothing to do with man/boy love, molestation of minors has everything to do with man/boy love. Hrm the rublicans had a recent scandle involving this. lets see if you can come to your own conclusion on what party has a mbla issue

so we should raise minimum wage so my super mighty costs 5 dollars? yeah, thats going to help a lot of people. oh, and if we raise my taxes it will be sweet becasue i will have less money to buy tacos.

bad idea

and please, give your financial analysis

typical dem, thinking with emotion. yeah, republicans are all for child molestation, we want to pass a bill making it legal. :bloated:

the dude was a perv not because of his polital party, but becasue he was fuct in the head

then said person should of payed attention in school and got themselfs a real job instead of sticking with BK their entire life. Thats not anyones problem but their own (and it’s only going to cost the rest of us more $$$ in the end). Those kinds of jobs are meant for HS kids and not a career. Maybe they’ll learn something, instead of society feeling bad for them and giving them more than they deserve

I’m so sick of having to pick up the slack for others mistakes… sooo lame