What do YOU want to see accomplished with democrats running sh*t?

What are the priorities you want to see happen in the next 2-4 years, now that we have the Presidency, House, and Senate, along with our biggest mandate since LBJ? For me:

-Roll back the Bush tax cuts and replace them with Obama’s tax plan. Start scalpeling away at the deficit. Trickle down doesn’t work and never has. We’re going to rebuild this economy from the ground up.

-Phased withdrawal from Iraq, beginning ASAP. Cut off the waste of money and lives, in an organized fashion, and let their government and its giant surplus be on its own now, like they want.

-Focus of priorities on Afghanistan. Let’s get the people that actually attacked us.

-End of the culture wars being relevant in Washington. I don’t want to see more time in the house or senate wasted on anything involving abortion, gay marriage, guns, religion, etc. We have much bigger fish to fry. And re-institute stem cell research already!!

-Start making amends with the rest of the world. There were parties worldwide last night and they will accept us back with open arms now that we’ve cleaned house with the Republicans.

-NON-UNIVERSAL health care reform. No one is preaching for an absolutely universal system. However, what we have now is extremely broken.

-Re-focus our attention on education. It’s what seperates us from the rest of the world. No Child Left Behind is unfunded and fucked 6 ways from Sunday. It needs to be replaced, and the replacement needs to be funded. Student Loan programs also have to be enhanced.

-Energy policy that includes a mixture of getting more oil in the meantime via drilling and such, with alternative energy options where we still have the opportunity to get first-mover advantage and continue our worldwide dominance.

-Move the Supreme Court to the left, or at least replace a couple of the liberal judges as they retire. These bastards are the ones who elected Bush in the first place. They never found a little guy they didn’t like to screw in the name of the big one. And we can shore up support to make sure abortion, stem cells, etc. aren’t going anywhere.

Things that shouldnt be a big deal and should be messed with:

Abortion. That shit is gonna happen no matter what, lets keep it safe for our women/daughters/wives/sisters/etc. Want to combat it? SEX ED.

gay marriage: I dont care if two dudes want to get married. A bigger issue is the divorce rate.

do we really need a new thread

I dont want this mixed in with that clusterfuck in the obama thread. Particularly blue eyed retard. I’d rather talk about the issues.

Education, withdrawl from Iraq, and becoming the best country in the world…once again. we’re a fucking joke, and it needs to stop now.

Affimative action can now be done with. IMO.

The ending of the patriot act.

More jobs

Bring 100% of the US military back to USA soil.

More jobs

Secure our boarders.

More jobs

Term limits for any elected official.

More jobs

Prosecute for illegal “gifts/favors” to elected officials.

More jobs

Massive tariffs on imports. (I never supported this in the past but “desperate times call for desperate measures”)

Spend eleventybillion dollars on nanotechnology.

And finally, more jobs.(Not at Walmart)

Dude, good post.

Edit: I missed your edit, but nano is good too.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :slight_smile:

hell yeah

holy shit. I like blue eyed devil’s post.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

We should be investing in some more future technology. Asia is so far ahead of us in the area of robotics.

Meet the UN’s policies

Reestablish legitimate talks with Iran, not just sending a token diplomat

…do we dare discuss Israel? =P

You’re worried about robotics? How about them being so far ahead of us in industry as a whole?

Yes this needs to stop ASAP. Corrupt officials need to go! What ever happened to that guy who had over $100K in his freezer?

Cleaning up the health care system. Not a universal plan but something better than now.

Some type of change for the middle class that we can directly see (ie. tax cut, refund checks, etc)

Get out of Iraq and focus on Afghanistan

Build up better relations with foreign countries and reduce the hate for the around the world (I think already nations are responding to use electing a black man and not the typical elitist old white rich guy to run the country)

Step back from the global crisis and focus on getting the US back on track


Unless he does worse than Bush and then no one will ever want another minority in office. Lol

I may regret the tariffs because I have always been against them.
It just seems like we could raise huge revenue for jobs.
We could hire thousands of people to build or renovate infrstructure and pay them with tariff money.
For example replace windows/HVAC in old govt buildings to save energy costs maybe.