What do YOU want to see accomplished with democrats running sh*t?

reform of the medical system BEFORE he does anything drastic with it.

bring the troops back gradually, not all at once so that we did not waste American lives there

tighter border patrol

end free trade to combat outsourcing

more concentration on developement of better ways to extract oil in a less environmentaly damaging way, and refine a way to extract shale oil, as well as combine oil and alternative energies so that we can become self sufficient

better the education system, for example, the average student in Buffalo (which has a near 50% dropout rate) has roughly $36k/year spent on their education, which is nearly 3x more than some of the best private schools in the area.

not worry about how we look to other countries becuase it is not as bad as everybody thinks… cept the French…fuck the French.

Can we do this all in the first 100 hours. Oh wait, that didn’t work at all last time.

Although, they tried in CO and it doesn’t look like it will pass.

Take back the Republican Party from the religious nuts. Move back toward advocating responsible spending, robust economy, and less government intrusion.

I don’t care about gay marriage or making abortion illegal. As far as social issues are concerned, lets fix our problems with urban poverty. i.e. Buffalo

Not that it hasn’t been said already, but:

Out of Iraq, and establish and execute clear plans towards clear goals in Afghanistan.

Shred the fucking Patriot Act. Shut down Guantanimo Bay. Last I checked we still considered ourselves a civilized democracy.

Banking regulation.

Some sort of health care reform that would let any sick American see a doctor without going bankrupt, but wouldn’t give free implants to welfare whores.

A 2 part plan to deal with all the Mexicans: Secure the borders and reform immigration so that we can get the ones who are here signed up and paying taxes.

Some sort of earmark tax cut just for Springville Mfr. :stuck_out_tongue:

Education reform. No child left behind is a joke. I have high hopes for Obama here. Maybe Obama can sign on Bill Ayers as an education advisor? Kidding…

Culture shift. In our generation it hasn’t been cool to be proud to be American and apathy has reigned supreme. That needs to change.



Get people to stop thinking of themselves as Democrats or conservatives, and start thinking of themselves as Americans.

i just want my taxes to stop going up and my house value going down…

on a side note does anyone know about the “if you owe more then your house is worth” crap works?



More spending on education & science (non military)

Healthcare options that are affordable

Balanced budget, get the deficit under control ASAP

get out of Iraq & Afghanistan

im so sick of people crying about how much more money obama is going to take. you have to spend a little bit of money in order to make some.

i would like to see more jobs coming home instead of going away to other countries.

military back in the u.s… let the reserves continue their lives and start working their jobs again.

overall the country needs to start working together to build it back up and make us the wealthiest country that we used to be known as.

-give me a stimulus check, even though I dont pay income tax
-pay for my college, why should I have too
-give me a job building roads or bridges
-lower my other taxes
-give me give me give me!!!

Cynicism only tells the world that you are weak of character. It’s not something to embrace, it’s something that should be fought.

“ask not what your country can do for you”

You’ve really embraced Objectivism, eh?

Do you swear by your love of life to never live for another man and never ask another man to live for you? :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: Pretty much.

And it’s “I swear by my life and my love of it…”



Heh, my memory does my intelligence a disservice =P

I’ll skip the discussion of the book and it’s philosophy as it’s not relative to this thread =P

edit: Well, it is, but indirectly and on a tangent that I can’t imagine many people being able to discuss properly

I’d like the democrats to get the fundamental ideas back to what made this country great… no reward without hard work and sacrifice, equality and freedom for all, small federal government.