Pet Squirrel?


the sugar gliders smell HORRIBLE. Especially if your roommate is lazy and broke and cant afford wood chips or to get their glands removed.


Must not be a sugar glider. Flying squirrels and gliders are completley different. Gliders are small, sleep in pouches, poop little odorless pellets and yes they pee, but it takes quite a bit before it starts to smell, so if they ARE gliders, they aren’t being taken care of or their pouches/cages arent being cleaned. I’ve never met anyone that uses woodships either, that may be in pary why it’s smelling so bad, it soaks it up and amplifys the smell.

P.S. Some pics of our gliders ;

1 Day old ( Peeka and Boo’s newborn) This is actually a twin, there’s two, and this is their second set of joeys.