PETA must be running out of ideas to get them in the news

looks like they’re targeting overweight celebs now :rolleyes:

I want to beat those people with a DEAD ANIMAL… nothing better to do

Or maybe we should beat them with living animals, so they can hear the animal’s cries as they witness me simultaneously killing animals and brutalizing them. If I do it just right maybe the last sight the dirty hippies have will be an animal dying before they do the world a favor and pass on.

-TJ :blanyer:

id say kill a fox in front of them, skin it, and wear it on the spot. maybe have a BBQ afterwards.

mmmmmm bbq :bigthumb:


right click save as thats a good one

Yeah, id like to have peta come here to PA and just witness the rediculas amount of Deer we have that just run straight at your car… I want deer season to be year round, those fuckers breed like rabbits

Its a intresting Idea, but all 5 should sue for Defimation of Character or something like that lol… considering thats all Americans Do anyways. :blanyer:

Im right BEHIND YOU… lets beat them :bowrofl: :hahano:

Moore is a bag fat fucking pig…i wish he would die