pete and joey its ok everyone knows....

we all know you two are gay together so just come out and say it. either way congrats and hope you are happy together. you make such a cute couple…

It’s funny you tell everyone to “not get butthurt” when you make “jokes”, but when someone says something about your wheels not being worth what you think and your car running like ass, or just anything in general towards you…YOU get all butthurt.

pot meet kettle BRAH.

F thread.

op is a fagtard

Haha! Come to think of it, how’s your affair wit Elliot ,Yetti?

Op is a closet case homosexual. Yetti, you’re a faggot who sucks mad dick. I heard your dad molested you as a kid and due to the repressed memories, you love smoking mad pole.

Hey, just kidding don’t get all butthurt, no need for you to ram massive rods up your ass.

:rofl… how did people find out about me and elliot already. man i’m lucky my girl isnt on shift she’d be pissed… :lol

this thread crashed and burned

good job yetti

I can keep a secret :slight_smile: You big homo u.

oh wait, we cant say that on here can we?

indeed it did. but at least now i know they are actually a couple. they never once denied it. they must really love each other. very excited for them.


yetti and i do not deny our man love for each other. lol

Sorry all, but NYS denied homosexual marriages. Gota take your peter puffing somewhere else.

they went to vermont… they got cheaper insurance that way too.

victory for straight people right there. Marriage shouldnt be a sword fight.

^ :lol

your the biggest closet case on shift…

no, actually Im not. I hate sodomy and all that goes with it.

update heard these two love birds were pullin a lady and the tramp and little ceasors with some cheesy bread… you guys are too cute
