Got It!! :slight_smile:

suprisingly i have only recieved 6 paypals (most will be cash).

the 6 paypals that i have recieved are about $175 so we are doing pretty fuggin good so far for only being up for like 3-4 hours lol

:doh: Oh great, he saw the thread. He knows what he’s getting. We might as well get him something else now, since the surprise is ruined. Maybe something he will never expect… like a foxbody mustang. it would be cheaper than the intake too lol.


lol we would all get the ban hammer

My meager paypal has been sent

Im in, with all the help Mater has given and for doing my whole swap that I love, had to put some in. Just put a surround sound in today, so had some extra.

In for $50.

List updated :smiley:

Count me in. I’ll PayPal you when I get home tonight.

I’ll put $20 in on Friday.

Im in for $100 dont know how to use pay pal so i will give it to santas little helper on sat


:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

money update added as of 5:30 Dec 19th on the first page
thanks everyone

This is wild you started this morning and have like $500 with more on the way. Pewter is like the new Jerry Louis.

LOL tell me bout it. we had twice as many ppl on the list this morning… i just took off all the ones that havent sent the money yet, i wanna keep everyone posted on how much we actually have and its hard to do that wit those who are waiting to donate at different times so i figure ill only put on there what we actually have so far :slight_smile:

me and adam are gonna give him the money in person on sat at his party…i think adams in for 100

lol true just wish i could give more

i’ll add mine in at later.

k sounds good, just give it to Chris cause i dont trust Brian LOL. no he is supposed to be helping and i think Steve is giving him his money

ya i agree, kinda defeats the purpose giveing it str8 to him

i’m in. i’ve bugged him enough times about oddball stuff that i can pitch in a little.