i picked up a 1/64th (matchbox size) ss body for my zipzap i have and i’ll be painting it “pewter” (or as close to it as i can) tonight…
well i meant we just got one in so i snagged it…
if only you could paint :rolleyes: :tounge:
mine even has ricer graphics n tinted windows :tounge:
mine would still whoop on yours tho :tounge:
u have the gears ? n engine modded ??? i like the new one w/ the lights but they dont have any ground clearance on carpet
it’s got 3 batteries some internal wiring the purple motor and blue gearing (anything higher and it goes out of range before it hits max speed…)
dam n i thought i had to much time on my hands !!!
i mod my rcs like i mod my car…if i could jsut gett his damn lithium setup to work on my xmod i’d be pimp
are you putting on the girly purple flames also like pewters?
plan to
where do you guys get these things? they fast?
they are pretty quick for being a matchbox size car get the one w/ lights unlesss u want one that car go on carpet. 20 bucks for mine 30 for one w/ lights. they also have upgrades for motor n gears. for 20 bucks its worth it
I dunno, i really want one of those Nitro cars really bad. They are super fast and theres tons of mods for them.
check this out… http://home.comcast.net/~raymondbarlahan/op117.wmv
yup its rwd slow compaired to a real rc car !
i want that cazr silver…where did you get it
hey kurt,got anymore?i would like to have one!!!
Originally posted by Pewterss
hey kurt,got anymore?i would like to have one!!!![]()
yeah there’s another one, they’re white tho to start with, i’ll put it in the back room for ya when i get the money to get it to you.