Im board and well here it is:
This is one of the many R/C projects i got floating around…
Hpi RS4-2 Aka Belt driven AWD Terror.
Couple weeks ago…
At Night:

Work Place:
Aluminum parts here and there…
Overhead dirty ass veiw
Heres the body after i hit a Rock @ 45mph…dosnt look like much, but the wholefront i fuckedddddddddddddd up good

Front Lights, 2x blue/ 2x white
Rear, i never finshed painting bc of the paint :Idiots
Wing that came with the AE86 body, Came already painted black w/o sticker. which came with 4 different wings…lol
Wheels Pre paint :ninja Rears are +9 offset, front are a +3
Currently in 10924839 pieces, Rims are drying, parts are on order, Cleaning alot of stuff, replaceing the 44T spur gear… blah blah. Goal of this motor, With a 2speed tranny and acouple other tidbits, is to hit 60 on the north way. This thing has a Awsome launch.
Im working on An AE86 Hatch body as well, as a 350z nismo body… should be done soon…
Copied from my Rc site: Updated March 10th.
I recently won a HPI parts lot on ebay within the last week. In that was soooo many little and big things i needed, also stuff i cant use bc there to savage or MT trucks. :(.
So after 2 hours sorting that mess, i began the project again…
Mods/hopups/upgrades/whatever you want to call it.
-Rebuilt .15 (T-15) w/new clutch from HPI Rush Nitro Evo MT truck
-HPI Tuned Pipe
-Front suspension
-Rear suspension springs
-Alum. Front diff mount
-Alum. Rear Arms
-Alum. Front Knuckles
-Front and Rear 1pc Axles
-CF upper deck
-New brakes
-New clutch
More to list as parts arrive
3.7.09 and still waiting on a bunch of parts.
Current Progress:
Added the Rear diff w/new bearings. New rear yellow springs, drained and reoiled shocks. Next i added the New front diff, and diffmount w/suspension. Notice the New front diff mount. I have NO CLUE what its too, but it fits AND is the same exact size as my previous bumper. So no more alum diff mount :(.
Update : 3.10.08
As usual, Dosnt look like much, but for the last 2 hours ive been assembling it again.
-Got the radio section wire tucked (best i can do til i make my own radio/center section).
-Installed front axles.
-Installed Rear 1pc axles
-Trying to find a way to get ALOT of tension on the belt that drives the front tires. so much play, its not even funny
-Steering parts
-Testing the motor placement…might make my own chassis plate and do a big block 4.6 conversion w/2 speed, but thats another day…
-Seeing how the rims look (rears painted by me)
-Rear and front body mounts
-New Throttle servo bc i broke my hpi one :(. So i grabbed an extra outta my parts box.
Cant wait for the parts to be here. If they wernt coming from hong kong they would be here by now .Oh well.
Couple pics of before & after tonight:
Front 1pc drive shafts (rears look the same)
so far:
Crappy pics i know, but heres the 350z in progress… Couple more things and its ready for paint prep
Look how far the rims stick out…
<b>3.13.09 </b>
Got my intake/Lug nuts in. Still waiting for 6 more things.... ****! Good thing im not in a hurry. But ive taken a break from the chassis it self, to try to finish the 3 un done boides i got floating around. The AE86 i bought last year, and the paint screwed up... and then i heard the next morning on the news there was a recall at local hobby shops for paint. FML. lol... 2 hours of sanding still need alot more done.
Ill have a HUGE update Saturday night with everything.
So much for an update rofl, ill do one soon.
Havent even touched anything rc except my Ae86 body i screwed up, so i painted the out side all black to cover everything up LOL… Couple stickers. nothing over the top like normal…
I was board with crinkle black paint, what can i say…lol…
Other than that im STILL waiting on parts that i ordered 2.26.09. ****!!!..
<b>3.19.09 - 3.20.09</b>
Got the CF upper deck in today. Got bord around midnight and started swapping stuff over..
Ran into a problem.. > no where to mount the reciever so im cutting the cf deck to make it fit..
As soon as im done with that, its on to wiretuck (again....for the 3rd time) and change a couple small things.. Ill be updating the first post, friday or something when i have time....
Got a couple things in… STILLLLL waiting on the tires… its been a month today… F’in redic… but im nice and wont harass them like normal people… lol.
Got the CF graphite top plate drilled/cut. Got the reciver in and everything wired. Gotta fix the 1 speed or buy a 2 speed and im in business as far as getting it on road goes.
The 350Z body is drying of its last coat, and im working on a couple things on a friends rustler… so pics tonight when i get back from dinner
Ok so heres my quote, unquote "massive" Update.. what a joke.. LOL.
While the 350z is drying and with nothing else to do... i got bored and mounted an exhaust for the AE86 body... This is gunna be the beater body when the 350 is not in use.

Anyways heres the newest addition... well for this week anyways. CF Graphite top plate. @ ~15.22 GBP ( i think 22USD i payed).
Heres before...

Heres when it came. Note the design of it.. soon after i cut and sanded to my specs.

With not wanting to half ass it, i cut some out.. just enough to sqeeze in the reciever. No gaps. then mounted everything and bam! (sounds quick, but i was at it for ~2.5 hours. i was trying so hard not to cut the CF up top..)

More to come soon!... this weekend was very hectic. hopefully ill have more info and pics on a couple other things i didnt cover.