Getting back into RC (drift/rally/carpet?)

Just picked up a Tamiya TB02D kit.

Planned mods:

TBEvoIII diff outputs all around, front one-way, rear spool, anti-roll bars, whatever I break I’ll replace with aluminum, gonna do some chassis lightening/stiffening the more it gets beat, probably just start out with the Carbon chassis top plates.


I’m going to try to find some waterproof gear, servo, rx, and esc, 17t of some sort, radio’s going to be an FM unless I get a deal on a dsm…I’m going to drive this bitch in the snow.

for looks I’m going to start off with the Tamiya E30 shell, probably do all white, get some of the tamiya E30 wheels, paint black and get some spacers, going to make a cage for this shell as well (not functional at all but looks cool)

Ill find a beater STI shell for winter and make some splash guards for the electronics.

Hopefully have it out this spring :open_mouth:

if i had the slightest idea what you were talking about, i would make a sensible post here

yeah, wat

Whats it a nitro rc car?

Im getting a cool little rc car to play with/race.

Electric, Nitro is cool, but only for the sound.

Which gets quite annoying.

I figured that much out, but the rest was like listening to pete talk :retardclap:retardclap

Yea the nitro tends to give me a head ache

Rc cars are great, I’m trying to get ahold of a few badass JDM parts.

Well, badass if you’re into this kind of thing…it’s just like real cars, there are rare bodies, rare wheels, rare hop-up parts…etc.

Can’t wait to put the effing thing together, it’s been too long since I’ve gotten to assemble one :excited

Know who else is an R/C junkie?

Joey Jiggs :open_mouth:

You are like a 10 year stoner

Me (HUGE) i just got into it again last week… its off and on when i have money…lol.

and btw. dont drive it the snow unless there no salt anywhere. when you think youve cleaned it enough… a month later your sitting there lookking at it, and shits rusting.

that and its an on road, so i dont know how much snow plowing your gunna be doing

I have a SHITLOAD of RC cars and parts… but all my stuff is from the mid 80’s early 90’s… All MRC and Tamiya. The MRC warehouse/factory was a block from my house in NJ and when i was a kid id always dive in their dumpsters and get a shitload of parts that they through away and semi defect kits

anything for a tb02/evoIII?

and I’m only going to drive it on fresh plowed/hard packed snow, no salt.

overnight parts from japan…:ninja

I used to have a ton of R/C stuff, mostly nitro. I had a Losi XX buggy, that was my only fast electric car. It had a trinity gem series 10 turn and it was geared pretty high. I don’t remember what ESC was in it… It had gold fins and a red sticker on it… this was back in 97-8 at the latest.

Sounds like a Tekin.

Sweet, bet that thing was a rocket with a 10t.

My buddy had the Losi Stadium truck…XXX-T? I think?

Also had a 10t, we were out in a developing neighborhood, me with my crawler and him with his truck, anyways out of nowhere he goes ripping up the road at probably 60mph, hits the rounded lip of the street and clears a good 30 feet distance-wise before it landed on the left front arm and proceeded to yard sale itself through this small field, every single arm was snapped, missing 1 cvd, total annihilation.

We used to take our r/c cars to sand pits near my house riding our bikes and driving the rc cars with one hand and steering the bike with the other, made for interesting races :rofl

He ran over my B3 from nose to tail on his bike once…how nothing broke I have no idea.

Soon as you get this together, were having a rc meet. im dying to test my new motor…

so your getrting in the R/C Money pit !?

good luck ! i did that twice, almost a third time on shift, glad i lost the auctions ! fuck R/C’s ! they are fun yea when your not paying for them !