Philippines flooding

crazy… our offices over there are 50-75% staffed right now…

check this video

Then how will people get tech support?

Eeep. Not good. good time to own a jet ski, though.

LOL @ jetski comment.

I don’t find amusement in others suffering and hope the damage there is very minimal. I would enjoy Ingram to suffer lost biz tho. They love to cut corners and try to whittle to the bone with staffing. What 140 million in net profit wasn’t enough??? Gotta make moar profits while you assist in damaging the US (and in turn global) economy? Greed always has a way of catching up to ya. GL on the phones my ex US comrades.

i havent taken calls in years… and i had to jump on today…
right away a call caught me off guard
first call:
them: “ingram?”
me:“yup! what u need”

lol im so out of the loop of the normal greetings etc

LOL Micah. Which direction does the customer service level flush on this side of the equator? :wink:

I have heard about Ingram’s tech support these days having as high as 45 minute hold times. Who the fuck waits 45 minutes to talk to somebody (a foreigner or Apex student no less)? And the abandon rates which used to be sub 1% and are well into double digits now. Sometimes a bargain costs you in other ways. Without future business growth, who cares how much you can save today.

AHHHH the narrow sighted corporate America.

on a side note… the volume bar on that video, it goes to 11.

first thing i noticed too haha

Good. Maybe they will decide to move our collections department to the US.

Yeah it’s tough to issue threats that are taken seriously with a heavy language barrier. :wink:

Side note…my street flooded. 1ft of water at the corners. I went out with a rake and unclogged the 3 drains and I’m good to go. Made me late to my MRI appointment though. :lolham:

Now, would 11 be 110% of the videos original volume?

For the first time ever I saw a tourism ad for the Philippines last night.(Golf Channel)
I thought of this thread and thought; maybe not good timing for an ad. lol

big pictures


More proof that God hates poor people

Our offices are running quite understaffed as well, we have a heavy presence in the Philippines, on of the guy’s from one our Reporting group is over there training people is suppose to be there for 6 months.