Phobea help

i think fry should be a psychologist

:lol: That may be the first time in history that anyone has ever suggested that an engineer become a psychologist. Even jokingly.

Fry’s interent psychology 101!


You wouldn’t be wasting their time. Psychologists chose a career of helping people with thinking problems, and they get compensated quite well for it whether they’re helping Dr. Hannibal Lecter or sedlmeier101. Hell they’d probably be happy to get a case as easy as someone who knows they have an irrational fear but just aren’t quite sure about what to do about it.

At least go once. If you go and it’s gay, bail. :shrug: Anyone that would think you’re a fag or a crazy for going to see a psychologist for a little help is either ignorant, lame, or both.


+1 from an aspiring psychologist in training

haha, i think i remember the years of screwing around with you like that with your older cousins! the good old days growing up with your family.

i say you put it on your girlfriend after the last thread you started, might help leep you getting in a fight because of her…then face fuck her


I’ve been inspired by 90na300zx and dubbin91.

Systematically desensitize yourself by making your woman wear a mask while you slam her. Start with doggy, so you don’t have to look at the mask. Then doggy in the mirror so you can check out the mask in between watching what you’re doing with pride. Then switch to missionary so the mask is right there. Finally your crowning achievement will be getting blown while she’s wearing a mask, symbolically asserting your victory over the mask by nutting all over her masked face!



I call it sexually motivated systematic desensitization, or SMSD. I should start my own practice. Guys will come from miles around to be prescribed SMSD. “Sorry hunny, I have to fuck you in the park. Doctor says it the only way for me to get over my agoraphobia.”




Fuck, I’m going to dream about that for weeks.

notice the lack of posts from sedlmeier101 since that pictures been posted. lol

As weird as this sounds, you need to find something you are more afraid of than masks. This was actually a class discussion the other day. It’s natural for the brain to have one fear of something that is greater than any other. Hence your body is going to respond more intensely to one thing i.e. running, screaming, hiding; basically just trying to get away from whatever it is. If you want me to explain in more detail, pm me
psych is my major, so I’ve learned a lot about fears/phobias some can be explained and or helped others can’t. In the end it’s all in your head and to be honest is something you can help yourself away from all anyone else would do would do is answer questions you already know the answer to.

If that fails, as much as many disbelieve in it try hypnosis (it subliminally trains your brain without all of the blocks you put up over the years) for some it works and for others it was a complete waste of time/money.


As weird as this sounds, you need to find something you are more afraid of than masks. This was actually a class discussion the other day. It’s natural for the brain to have one fear of something that is greater than any other. Hence your body is going to respond more intensely to one thing i.e. running, screaming, hiding; basically just trying to get away from whatever it is. If you want me to explain in more detail, pm me
psych is my major, so I’ve learned a lot about fears/phobias some can be explained and or helped others can’t. In the end it’s all in your head and to be honest is something you can help yourself away from all anyone else would do would do is answer questions you already know the answer to.

If that fails, as much as many disbelieve in it try hypnosis for some it works and for others it was a complete waste of time/money.


um a few things here…

1 - masks make him run, he clearly stated that he fell into a fetal position at the sight of them…and who honsetly has the time to search for a bigger fear? that’s not efficient.

2 - there’s a lot of things that a good trained professional can do to help him…it may be all in his head, but so are all fears, and all mental abnormalities and disabilities to begin with…that’s like you telling a schizophrenic that it’s in his/her head…figure it out…it doesn’t work like that.

3 - hypnosis is bologna…sure it can be done, and has reported cases of working for some, but the cases in which it did NOTHING are far greater in number. Seek help…or before that even, pick up a few psych books, and do some homework…

i’m still in full support of systematic desensitization in this case, and in almost all cases of phobias…

yeh fuck impala66…then FRY YOU QUOTED IT UGHHH!!!

but yeah besides that scary face… I’ve read everything…this isn’t a joke it honestly sucks… I’m not affraid of anything else…maybe hights but i can live with that…

I ahvee no problem jumping a snowmobile/dirtbike 150’ or doing 170 on a bike ect ect…but as soon as someone puts on a mask i freak out.

I plan on talking to one of you guys soon (afx or 300zx) to get some tips…

I’d fucking love life if i could make it through a haunted house…

It’s like I have a physical fear of masks… It’s like i can’t control my self… I run, scream and my heartrate increases tenfold.

hey as long as you dont mind me maybe using you as a paper or case study, obviously keeping all names confidential, i’d love to help.

don’t worry, we still love you.

my dad used to bring snakes and frogs that he found outside into my house in buckets and shove them in my face. I am now deathly afraid of them. Even in a pet store I can look at them through the glass but I get all tense and my blood pressure goes through the roof…

Just go on Maury!


I have a 6’6 220lb friend who is deathly afraid of spiders and another friend who is scared of dogs. everyone has their phobeas.


lol poor dan…i put a spidy in a cup once and handed it to him and he spazzed out, he looked like i was going to murder him.

i am terrified of bad spelling.

this thread scares the shit out of me.

lol, i’m afraid of spiders. like, i’d rather crash my car then have one touch me.

reference to this thread:


i have HUGE black spiders at my house. they’re fast too…ugh.

bad thing to tell other snowmobile racers… lol.