Phone question (Answered)

I want to get some picture messages from my phone to the computer but don’t know how. I have and SPH A920 and cant seem to find the driver for the damn phone or a program that will let me get these pics from the phone to the computer. Any ideas?

memory card? email them from the phone? text them to a phone that is capable of emailing them?

i just email them to myself

text them to your email.

try to search for your phone and find the drivers and download for the software to view the filesystem. some phones are supported and can use the actual program to download/upload them. if your phone isnt supported, it has a filesystem part so you can see the folders on your phone. just make sure you know where to look with the howardforums.

easiest is to just email like people have said.

check your online picture mail account. If its sprint its there. Or if you have the micro sd card reader / writer save the media , transfer it to the card then up load to the pc


Got it. Thanks guys!