Photo of a man on NY Subway tracks moments before death published by the Post

The photographer, R. Umar Abbasi, snapped at least two photos of Han before he was run over by the downtown Q train. The married father-of-one sustained critical injuries and was later pronounced dead at Roosevelt Hospital. One of the haunting photos Abbasi took graces the front page of the Post this morning, incurring the ire of readers who want to know why no help was extended to the injured Han in lieu of capturing the moment for posterity. Abbasi claims that he was using his camera’s flash to warn the train’s conductor, possibly suggesting that the photos were incidental. The Post further defends Abbasi, saying he wasn’t strong enough to lift Han off the tracks.

The pusher has turned himself in Subway death: Man killed after 'being pushed in front of New York train' in Times Square | Daily Mail Online

a passenger who witnessed a man being crushed by a subway train today spoke of his anger at the failure of 18 people on the platform to save him – including the photographer who had time to take chilling pictures of his final moments. Patrick Gomez, who admitted that he also ‘froze’ at the scene, said it was a ‘real shame’ that no-one had the courage to ‘step up’ and attempt to rescue Mr Han. Gomez, 37, said: ‘People who were on the platform could have pulled him up but they didn’t have the courage. They just didn’t react like that.’
Subway death: New York Post photographer claims he could not help 'doomed' Ki Suk Han | Daily Mail Online :eek3

Pretty cool how everyone sprang into action, huh. Actually not shocked they published the photo, more shocked about how no one did anything.

Not shocking at all… its fucking NYC. Survival of the fitness.

Talk about a Catch-23 situation

I’m glad they posted the photo. Censorship in America is out of control IMO.

yea it really is i agree with that.

What comes around is all around.

Wow, just wow.

Diffusion of responsibility. Google it.

Yup it’s like when someone on a crowded street drops of a heart attack. Most wont call for help because they assume someone else will.

It’s awful. There are more stories about people being saved on the tracks then there are like this one.

Problem is, even if you volunteer to be a hero, risk yourself to save the guy, reach down and just don’t make it in time to save him and he dies, odds are good family will sue you as that’s the wonderful world we live in.

They will claim that you either obstructed him from getting out safely and got in the way, or some other bs reason.

Eff that. Same thing as being fired for stopping a robbery. Take the risk and try to do the right thing, just to get screwed in the end.

Also don’t NY subways have a safety thing in the center of the tracks you can lay in?

wouldn’t that fall under the good Samaritan law?

Never even knew it existed.

Briefly reading it, there are plenty of holes and clauses that would discourage me from helping. There is even a part where consent has to be given and you can’t rescue people in a wreck unless the car is on fire or else.


The platforms have nothing under them, so you can hide out there.

haha… nah

Nah to vlad or me? The ones i have been on have all had nothing under them, i don’t know if others are different.

shitty situation…and about people not helping, Back in the day I was a EMT and was eating at a restaurant and someone at a nearby table started choking, and I continued to eat my dinner and not pursue a EMT related job…

Good Samaritan you say?

this is true. if you want to volunteer as a hero you need to know the liability that comes along with it.

in ny if someone robs you and breaks their arm they sue your insurance. its alomst releated to this topic